Dietary Fiber and Sugars

KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
hey all -- I've noticed that almost every day, I am going over my dietary fiber and sugar counts (16g and 28g are the goals for these), even though I'm staying under my Carbs usually.

Any suggestions or am I doing ok?

*Edit to say Thank you in advance!


  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    for the fibre i think its ok to go over. the number mfp gives you is the minimum you should have so if you go over its ok. i go over every day.
    for the sugar i think you are supposed to keep under the number mfp gives you.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I usually always go over my fiber, this shouldn't hurt you. MFP has me on a rediculous amount, like 15 grams or something like that. My nutrition teacher told me that we should be between 20 and 30 grams per day. As for the sugar...I usually go over that as well. I think there is some debate about the sugar one. As long as my sugar is coming from fruit and other "natural" sources, I don't get too worried about it. I just try to avoid the sugar that is added to all of our manufactured food products, no bueno!! However, every once in a while I really try and watch my sugar and I scale back on the fruit for a week or so and I lose a little more weight. I think ultimately it's up to you and you just have to find out what works!
  • cscoggins
    cscoggins Posts: 17
    I have heard many other people say the same thing. Personally, I don't think it's a realistic standard. I'm with "jeanettemp," as long as most of it is fruit sugar, I just don't worry about it. :)
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I don't stress going over on fiber. Fiber is good. Sugar, on the other hand, not so much. Complex carbs take longer to break down, but simple sugars rush into your bloodstream, causing your body to answer with a big shot of insulin. You burn thru the sugars you ate really fast then your body tells you to get more (sugar rush, sugar crash, then sugar craving).

    I was amazed at how much sugar I was eating when I started logging on here. I still go over sometimes, but if it's natural sugars from milk or fresh fruit, I consider the gain in nutrients as a decent trade off. Just don't overdo. Berries are a great source of nutrition without jakcing up your sugar number too much. Read your labels and compare. You'll get there!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I've started tracking my sugar so I can see where most of it is coming from and I'll try to adjust accordingly. With it being summer, fruits are high on my intake list hehe.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I've also noticed that my yogurt (yoplait light) has 14g of sugar in it :(
  • BeHappyNHealthy
    It's ok to go over on Fiber as long as it isn't making you uncomfortable in other ways...if you know what I mean. If your sugars are coming from fruit it's okay to be a little over. Be careful though if the sugar is coming from unnatural sources or if the sugars are wayyy over. Sugar is sugar, and fruit based sucrose is still digested in some of the same ways chemical based sucrose is.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    I've also noticed that my yogurt (yoplait light) has 14g of sugar in it :(

    I agree with Jeanette. I have also been watching my sugar and when it is coming from. Fruit is okay. I've tried yogurt (plain) and add fresh fruit to it. Also watch cereal if you eat it. Some of the brands that seem very good for you may have alot of sugar. I try to stick to one with 10g or less per serving, and still have 3g or more of fiber. Not very many out there. If you use creamer in your coffee there is sugar in it too. I won't give up my creamer but I did cut way back on it and also have tried different ones. They do have sugar free brands, but I haven't tried them yet.

    Keep logging and reviewing where the bulk of your sugar is coming from. I try to print my logs everyone once in a while and look back and what I ate. If needed then I do some tweaking.

    Good luck!
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    ITA with everyone here. I have just started trying not to eat anything with ADDED sugar (i.e. processed sugar), and am trying to eat mostly low glycemic fruits. We'll see if it helps my cravings and/or weight loss as it did for a friend of mine!

    As for fiber, I would think of the number MFP gives you as a daily MINIMUM. As a vegan, my diet is incredibly high fiber so I'm usually eating 2-3 times or more what MFP suggests. I don't think you can really have too much fiber in your diet, unless it causes you digestive distress. In that case, gradually up your intake and you'll probably be fine. :smile:
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I've tried the plain yogurt and unfortunately I couldn't do the taste of it even with adding fresh fruit. I'm goin to check the label next time I'm at the store and see if there are any non high frucose sugar ones - even if I have to buy organic.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
  • Biffybeans1
    Biffybeans1 Posts: 81 Member
    I use Greek non-fat yogurt and add fresh fruit and 1 packet of Truvia for sweetness if necessary. Chobani brand for instance only has 7 grams of sugar for a 6 oz. cup. So I just eat just about 3 oz. instead of the entire cup. The rule of thumb is when you eat something it should NOT contain more than 3 grams of sugar per serving. Therefore, I figure my portion size using the MFP calculator to determine how much I can have. Before serving myself I search for the food in MFP and get the breakdown of sugars, etc. in the serving size. If the food per serving is higher than 3 grams of sugar, I simply adjust my portion size of whatever food I'm eating.
  • colbiegirl
    colbiegirl Posts: 138
    I usually go over on both too. Most of it comes from natural sugars because I try not to eat processed sugars, only if it's a once-every-blue-moon treat. I don't think there's such a thing as "too much fiber" because it's so good for you. The sugars... eh, as long as you're not going over by the 20's +, I think you should be alright, unless you're trying to watch your sugar for a diabetic reason. It all depends if you feel okay with it. It usually doesn't bother me too much when I know where it's coming from.

    Good luck! :)