I have determined I need a hobby.... What's yours

GGMarie1501 Posts: 54
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
So to keep my mind off of eating whenever I get bored... (yes I'm guilty of that) I have determined that I need a hobby. Any good ideas? It can't be too expensive and has to be something I can do at home. Also, feel free to share your hobbies!


  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I was a studio art major at one time, so I LOVE doing anything art or craft related. I sew, crochet, knit, paint, etc. and I can get lost in the work so far that I forget that I'm hungry :)

    Right now we recently moved into a new house that's a "fixer-upper" so there is plenty to keep us busy but I'm not sure that home-improvement would be considered a hobby.
  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    I enjoy gardening.. It's pretty cheap and the rewards are the best!
  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    I like to do things with my hands so that I can't eat while I'm doing it. I love to read but won't do that except right after a meal. lol

    My biggest hobby that keeps my hands busy is crochet. You use both hands which makes it difficutl to eat while doing it unless you constantly stop and start again.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    You bet home improvement is a hobby! :)

    I am an amateur meteorologist... sometimes it's not so fun, like last night when storms banged through and my radio woke me up twice...
  • LeeLeeTunk
    LeeLeeTunk Posts: 84
    I make candles...

    Its fun creating scents! :bigsmile:
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    I like to do things with my hands so that I can't eat while I'm doing it. I love to read but won't do that except right after a meal. lol

    My biggest hobby that keeps my hands busy is crochet. You use both hands which makes it difficutl to eat while doing it unless you constantly stop and start again.

    YES! I absolutely need to learn how to knit. Is it difficult to pick up?

    I'm looking for some hobbies too, especially something that is unrelated to exercising or eating. I sometimes read or pick up some sudoku books. I'm still stumped though!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i dont really have a hobby..
    i guess my hobby is sex..
    But i do spend most of my time exercising, and i like exercising because i know it will make me fit.. So maybe thats my hobby..
  • oyvonnee
    oyvonnee Posts: 116 Member
    Pick a hobby you have a passion for -- or it will just be 'work' and we all have toooo much of that! :-)

    My passion/hobby is taking rocks (cabochons) and handmade fused glass and making them into something fabulous to wear. http://www.wireinspirations.com

    It does help keep my hands busy! My 'hobby' is a bit pricey to start out with though.

    How about scrapbooking - use the stuff you already have and just buy the books to put it in. Some of my friends make cute handmade cards. Another one makes fabulous homemade biscotti and sells it online (yup can't eat too much of that now). One is taking up painting (cheap if you go to a hobby store like Michaels).

    Have fun finding your passion!

    Yvonne :flowerforyou:
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Cleaning the car - properly!
    Top to toe wash, polish ,wax, tyres, wheels, vacc, engine bay etc etc!
    It kills time and i sweat like a pig, amazing work out! I can be out there for up to 5 hours at times!!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Why do i keep double posting?! :-S
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    I grow my own veg, get books from the library , haven't knitted for a long while but my fingers are begining to itch! Oh and I classify galaxies on Galaxy Zoo.

    http://www.galaxyzoo.org/ and if you discover something new, they name it after you!
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    I LOOOVEEE to sing. I plug in head phones, youtube my favorite songs and belt it out. I also like to read, (public libraries are your friend) and have made the gym my hobby. I like to go for walks along the track near my house (when I have a friend to accompany me). I like the gardening idea someone threw out. I don't have any place to plant things at the moment, or I would love to be able to plant veggies and pretty flowers.

    Just do what you like! Try out as many different things as you can and stick with the hobby you enjoy most.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I Love to scrapbook... unfortunately I don't have time to do that..But maybe you will..Good Luck! Add me if you would like.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    jig saw puzzles (yes i'm getting ready for the retirement home! hehe) I used this to help get my mind off smoking along time ago too.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    I am learning how to draw cartoons. Ive been doodling non stop I love making pretty things and my friends have really liked the doodles I made of them.
  • Guitar or anything with music.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Picking up an instrument requires time, dedication, and practice. It can be expensive to start out for some instruments, but who knows? You could become the world's greatest recorder player with something like $4 down.
  • Knitting is super easy! There are You tube videos. thats how I learned. The tough part? I just can't get myself to knit during the summer time. I'm knitting a scarf and it's 100+ degrees out. :happy:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Origami. You can use left over wrapping paper if you want. You can buy a book to learn, but I chose the cheap way: youtube.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I used to make a lot of jewellery that I'd sell via a shop my Mum owned. I stopped making them, and my Mum's shop closed anyway (she didn't have time to run it and look after my elderly grandparents). I keep saying I'll pick it up again, but then I log onto fb and the hours vanish...
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