Kind of new... but not really

lola8403 Posts: 25 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I actually set this account up some time ago and have never gotten serious about using it. I'm tired of watching my weight go up and down and want to get it off and keep it off for good. I'm looking to change my lifestyle to get in shape and just be healthy. I came very close to my goal a few years ago, but when i was only 15 lbs away from it, I lost motivation and gave up. I plan to get the weight I've regained off first and then finally continue on to my ultimate goal.


  • Crazyoddball
    Crazyoddball Posts: 21 Member
    you will love it here!!! it really has help me be more accountable to myself and my weight lose. if you stick with it and log on everyday i am 100% sure you will lose the weight you gain plus more.

    add me as a friend.
  • You can do it! Just stay on track and motivation is the key!
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