Carbs - friend or foe?



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    actually, it does. if you eat hi carbs before bed, you will not have the needed protein that is required for the 6-8 hrs of starvation during sleep. you will also wake up feeling more hungry in the morning. I stopped eating carbs after 6PM years ago, and never wake starving, or with a rumbling stomach.
    Haha, wow. Body starving in 6-8 hours, eh? You should drop the Men's Health and pick up some scientific literature, my friend. Your body will not go starving in 6-8 hours. Your body won't go starving in 24 hours.
    I'm currently taking a nutrition class for my degree and have learned a bunch about carbs. You need them. Period. Don't buy into that low-carb, high-protein diet. Its absolutely ridiculous and a fad diet. It only works for so long. This is the deal, you need to eat your recommended amount.

    Carbohydrates should contribute 45-65% of your daily kcalorie amounts. Fats should be 20-35% and protein should be 10-35%. I always try to be as close to the middle of all of these as possible, without exceeding 100% of course :wink:
    Why? I would like to hear a rationale. And using dietary ratios is so universal. Kind of silly to use ratios when some people will be eating a diet of 1,400 calories per day, and others will be eating 3,000, don't you think?
    Carbohydrates are important because they contribute glucose. Glucose is the ONLY SOURCE of energy your brain and nervous system uses. When you deprive yourself of carbohydrates, your body starts breaking down protein into glucose to fuel the brain. But your body breaks down so much more protein to create glucose than carbohydrates. And think about it, protein has other jobs to do: create genes, make new cells for everything in your body, build and maintain muscles. The last thing you need to do to your body is make it take away the amino acids it needs to do these things, all because you didn't want to eat your RDA of carbohydrates.
    Do you know what ketone bodies are...? Might want to Google that.

    The ketogenic diet is a legitimate diet, and it works. If you eat enough protein/fat, you can satisfy your body's needs via gluconeogenesis and your brain using ketone bodies as fuel. You really DON'T need dietary glucose. In fact, carbohydrates are extremely unessential in terms of diet simply because of the gluconeogenesis process.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    actually, it does. if you eat hi carbs before bed, you will not have the needed protein that is required for the 6-8 hrs of starvation during sleep. you will also wake up feeling more hungry in the morning. I stopped eating carbs after 6PM years ago, and never wake starving, or with a rumbling stomach.

    um. the term starvation mode is a term. Not to be taken literally (DUH)

    Nice to see we have such a sarcastic know it all on board though >:/
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    um. the term starvation mode is a term. Not to be taken literally (DUH)

    Nice to see we have such a sarcastic know it all on board though >:/
    Oh, I know what 'starvation mode' typically refers to. Catabolism and/or slowed metabolism? My statement still stands. If you eat a higher protein diet, you will NOT see "starvation mode" in a matter of 5-8 hours, nor will you see it in a matter of 24 hours. I last ate at 11 pm last night, and it is now 6:20 pm. Do the math there.

    Just telling you that you are mistaken. The timing of calories/macronutrients is irrelevant to body composition UNLESS you fast for extremely long periods of time (well over 24 hours) and/or perform MULTIPLE glycogen-depleting exercises in a single day.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    um. the term starvation mode is a term. Not to be taken literally (DUH)

    Nice to see we have such a sarcastic know it all on board though >:/
    Oh, I know what 'starvation mode' typically refers to. Catabolism and/or slowed metabolism? My statement still stands. If you eat a higher protein diet, you will NOT see "starvation mode" in a matter of 5-8 hours, nor will you see it in a matter of 24 hours. I last ate at 11 pm last night, and it is now 6:20 pm. Do the math there.

    Just telling you that you are mistaken. The timing of calories/macronutrients is irrelevant to body composition UNLESS you fast for extremely long periods of time (well over 24 hours) and/or perform MULTIPLE glycogen-depleting exercises in a single day.

    For me, and my body. eating my last meal about 7;00 PM, then eating my next at 6:00 am, having my last meal with high protein relieves me feeling hungry when I wake up and eat 11 hrs later. i am talking from personal experience with "my body" and "my results" (yours may differ).
    if eat a high carb meal before bed, feel very hungry in the am. which is why i suggested the OP to try it.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    do a search on here and read my post of apple pear avacado, dieting for your body type

    for me carbs are bad....they are not the devil I just cut out most carbs that don't have a fruit or veg and that go over 30grams a meal.

    so you can still eat watermelon and berries but if you go bizerk on them you will trigger your blood sugar to spike but it is less of a spike than a snickers bar.

    If you tend to gain weight and hold weight in your belly and it is the 1st to gain there and last to go there you have to reduce carbs....I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance so this is where I know I can make a difference in my body and what I have to do to see results.

    If you have biger buns and hips you can have more carbs but not a ton

    I suggest the book Women's Health...The Perfect body book where it tells you what to weigh for your height and your wrist measurement tells you what frame size you are.

    It gives you tons of advice and formulas to figure out exactly how many carbsw and fats and proteins and calories for those ratios you should have for your body weight and type that will help you lose weight.

    Add me and I can help you if you cannot find the book or my original post on it here.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    For me, and my body. eating my last meal about 7;00 PM, then eating my next at 6:00 am, having my last meal with high protein relieves me feeling hungry when I wake up and eat 11 hrs later. i am talking from personal experience with "my body" and "my results" (yours may differ).
    if eat a high carb meal before bed, feel very hungry in the am. which is why i suggested the OP to try it.
    Except you said you won't get the high protein needed for 6-8 hours of starvation (sleep).

    THAT is wrong. If you say you feel more full from high protein, cool, but that has nothing to do with eating carbs before bed. Carbs before bed is not wrong or bad or worse. Period.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    For me, and my body. eating my last meal about 7;00 PM, then eating my next at 6:00 am, having my last meal with high protein relieves me feeling hungry when I wake up and eat 11 hrs later. i am talking from personal experience with "my body" and "my results" (yours may differ).
    if eat a high carb meal before bed, feel very hungry in the am. which is why i suggested the OP to try it.
    Except you said you won't get the high protein needed for 6-8 hours of starvation (sleep).

    THAT is wrong. If you say you feel more full from high protein, cool, but that has nothing to do with eating carbs before bed. Carbs before bed is not wrong or bad or worse. Period.

    depends on what your goals are. For body building, or just wanting to bulk up a bit, going 11 hrs without protein is not recommended. and it does hinder muscle gains. as opposed to eating carbs before bed time.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    It's up to you what you want to do. Personally, I do 100 grams a day or less and I love it! Have done so (have had a few bad days for sure) for about 2 months now.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    depends on what your goals are. For body building, or just wanting to bulk up a bit, going 11 hrs without protein is not recommended. and it does hinder muscle gains. as opposed to eating carbs before bed time.
    Really? I'd love to hear where you got that information from.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I think everyone may be different. But from my personal experience, I have had A TON more energy and have lost a lot of fat and less muscle since I have gone low carb (about 75g/day). Also, every single person I have spoken with that has gotten into extremely good shape has been on low carb - less than 100g/day. I think you would do well with less than 100g a day but that is my own personal opinion and experience. Some people may be different. However, I was a vegetarian for 4 years up until about 1 month ago. I ate about 150g of carbs a day and about 45g of protein. I tried SO MANY different things over those 4 years and was constantly restricted because of the carbs, even when I would workout for 3 hours doing workouts that should have been very effective. It was a waste of time. I didn't want to eat meat again but gave in solely to go low carb and it has changed my life already. I have lost weight without the crazy workouts and have a ton more energy. I also feel far more muscular and am looking much more toned. I cut bread and pasta out completely ---- I used to only eat whole wheat now I don't eat it at all, and when I do I drag and feel bloated. I highly suggest below 100g of carbs a day.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    depends on what your goals are. For body building, or just wanting to bulk up a bit, going 11 hrs without protein is not recommended. and it does hinder muscle gains. as opposed to eating carbs before bed time.
    Really? I'd love to hear where you got that information from.

    by the look of this guys phsyque, i would say he knows his stuff. it's a guide to protein suppliments. which to use, and when. Towards the end he explains why to use protein before bed (briefly, but it's explained.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I think everyone may be different. But from my personal experience, I have had A TON more energy and have lost a lot of fat and less muscle since I have gone low carb (about 75g/day). Also, every single person I have spoken with that has gotten into extremely good shape has been on low carb - less than 100g/day. I think you would do well with less than 100g a day but that is my own personal opinion and experience. Some people may be different. However, I was a vegetarian for 4 years up until about 1 month ago. I ate about 150g of carbs a day and about 45g of protein. I tried SO MANY different things over those 4 years and was constantly restricted because of the carbs, even when I would workout for 3 hours doing workouts that should have been very effective. It was a waste of time. I didn't want to eat meat again but gave in solely to go low carb and it has changed my life already. I have lost weight without the crazy workouts and have a ton more energy. I also feel far more muscular and am looking much more toned. I cut bread and pasta out completely ---- I used to only eat whole wheat now I don't eat it at all, and when I do I drag and feel bloated. I highly suggest below 100g of carbs a day.
    You ate a diet of 150g carbs + 45g protein, which equates to a mere 900 calories, while working out for 3 hours and you felt tired...and that surprises you?

    For that kind of activity you should have been eating way more, and I'm going to assume your fat was not above 50g, meaning you were at ~1,400 calories per day?

    I'm confused.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    by the look of this guys phsyque, i would say he knows his stuff. it's a guide to protein suppliments. which to use, and when. Towards the end he explains why to use protein before bed (briefly, but it's explained.
    You think he's right solely based on how he looks? Do you question WHERE he got that information?

    How about this guy?

    He fasts for 16 hours per day, eating all of his calories in an 8 hour window every single day.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Your body including vital organs like your brain, liver and heart feed off of carbs! It's a necessity!

    I enjoy carbs, and have lost a considerable amount of weight.
  • jmula
    jmula Posts: 38
    How about this guy?

    Oh, and why am I not surprised you picked this particular guy?
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    low carbs for me!
  • heathermnrd
    i would also recommend talking to your dr...especially if your on any meds. Im on one and my dr told me i have to be really careful w/ carbs and go more for protein to avoid gaining weight cuz they make me eat like a crazy woman...she said as long as it was good protein i should be ok weight wise...

    just a suggestion
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    How about this guy?

    Oh, and why am I not surprised you picked this particular guy?
    I don't get it? You presented anecdotal evidence, so I refuted with anecdotal evidence.

    Dude, NO ONE has to eat high protein right before bed for bodybuilding goals. You don't understand. If you eat a high protein diet as is, your body is PERFECTLY FINE going 6-8 hours without protein. That's a fact of human physiology which that one person, who has opinions unfounded in science, can't negate.

    You're not getting it.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I think it really depends on you. I lose weight a little faster if I eat low carb, but I don't eat meat except for fish, I love fruit and eat 4+ servings a day, and eating low carb makes me a bit *****y...or at least *****ier than usual :laugh: On top of that I get mood swings, which I very rarely get. I stay away from low carb diets for those reasons, but I know people that eat or have eaten low carb and did great with it and didn't notice the side effects like I did. If you're losing weight steadily now than I probably wouldn't worry about it, but if you're not losing you could try eating low carb for a few weeks? Good luck!
  • PaigeMcCane
    I DO happen to know what a ketone body is, thanks.

    And I happen to know that they supply energy to the brain during starvation and prolonged exercise. However, there is strong evidence that links diabetes to elevated ketone levels in the blood. Doesn't sound to healthy to someone, especially when a benefit of losing weight is NOT getting diabetes. Which runs in my family.

    And thats the beauty of using percentages rather than saying "eat this number of grams." For example, I typically aim to eat about 55% of my diet in carbs. I eat 1200 calories a day. That is 660 calories worth of carbs, which is 165 grams because each gram of carbohydrates contributes 4 calories. And the percent fluctuation allows you to change the amounts you want to eat of each nutrient to fit your needs.