Eating calories burned



  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    I would agree with you but can't your metabolism stall out if you are not eating enough calories?

    Exactly, MFP already sets you at a deficit so you need to refuel your body.

    EXACTLY. There is already a deficit built in. If you aren't netting at least 1200 calories you will probably stall or stop losing. I did. I watched so carefully and worked out a ton for over a year...not losing any...I wasn't eating enough. My body was holding on to everything I gave it because I wasn't giving it enough. No matter what exercise calorie wise, just make sure you net enough! :-)

    Agreed! At times, I work out more just so I can not feel as bad eating something higher in calories.
  • nfrank43
    nfrank43 Posts: 28 Member
    I eat only a portion so that my net is at least 1,000 or above. I never try to go below 1,000 net calories!
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