hello i'm a newbie here

Hello everyone. I'm a 43 year old male and I was 239 and now I'm 219. I lost 20lbs in the past two and half months by basically changing my entire diet and eating heatlhy, It seems that the past 2 weeks I cannot lose anymore weight. I recently got a new droid phone and stumbled across the myfitnesspal app. I think this is the greatest thing since chipotle brownies ;). . I've been reading the message boards here and found some eye opening info for me.Ok, I'm on day 3 with this journal and Im stoked to see how things change for me now,


  • dws01
    dws01 Posts: 3
    welcome aboard:smile :
  • tay81tay
    tay81tay Posts: 4
    dont you love it! best calorie counter and calories burned tracker ever! it also hepls with fats and carbs all that good stuff. =)
  • Karizz1234
    Update....My weigh in this morning 180 ...yay!