Independence Day from the Old You



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Rest day again today and looking forward to kettlebell workout tomorrow. I have been a tad over on my calories the past few days. Good though cuase im trying to put on that muscle stuff right, lol.

    I really want to get some kettlebells... i wonder what weights i should start with!?!?!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Double kettlebell routine medium day in the books. 6 sets of double high pulls, snatches, mil. presses, and front squats 5 each per set. Another brutal one.

    Swearing is good but I did drop an f- bomb in the car today cause of some moron in front of me nearly cutting me off!

    Gigi gals should start with 18 lb or 26 lb if you go on it may give you more guidance. You do need to get one they are bad a#@!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I ended up taking a rest day yesterday because I just felt so gross. I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better, and I've already put in a workout and done some serious fluid intake.

    I'm determined to get through JM's Six Week Six Pack, but the burpees and side plank crunches are killing me. I'm hoping to see some definition set in before heading out on vacation on 7/3. :glasses:

    I'm done with corn in any form for a while...I don't think I'm cut out to consume it. I feel better w/out it. :grumble:
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    I ended up taking a rest day yesterday because I just felt so gross. I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better, and I've already put in a workout and done some serious fluid intake.

    I'm determined to get through JM's Six Week Six Pack, but the burpees and side plank crunches are killing me. I'm hoping to see some definition set in before heading out on vacation on 7/3. :glasses:

    I'm done with corn in any form for a while...I don't think I'm cut out to consume it. I feel better w/out it. :grumble:

    Well done! Glad you are feeling better. I find burpees to be really hard... Glad all is going well for you today!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Double kettlebell routine medium day in the books. 6 sets of double high pulls, snatches, mil. presses, and front squats 5 each per set. Another brutal one.

    Swearing is good but I did drop an f- bomb in the car today cause of some moron in front of me nearly cutting me off!

    Gigi gals should start with 18 lb or 26 lb if you go on it may give you more guidance. You do need to get one they are bad a#@!

    I do 8 and 10kg. It is honestly one of the hardest workouts that Ive done. It gets your heart rate soaring. Jay well done on the swearing! Your workout was brutal!!!!!!
    I went for a 20 min run first to warm up andcended up running up a massive hill!
    Im really pleased with my food at the moment. Im keeping the sugar down and eating yummy things x
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    double trouble post :noway:
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    yay monday! its my sunday actually and back to work tomorrow.

    Nutrition: i steamed my first artichoke today! who knew there was so many carbs in artichokes! damnit i know now. :( but it was super good and i made a dip out of lemon juice and a lil bit of olive oil and chili pepper :) i went over on fats but i didn't eat like a tard and thats my main thing. learning to not eat like a moron. :)

    Exercise: about to change right now and hit the gym! :)

    Goal: low on water today but drank nothing else either spent all day painting a giant tree. looks like a kindergartner painted it. lol oh well. it was fun. i'll get my water in tho!

    ORDERED! i new scale and a digital food scale! :D
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yo guys!

    I'm home finally from that leg of tour. What a trip. Jay - I'm sure I swore enough for your entire 21 day challenge over the past couple days of tour.

    I have some major catching up to do - Didn't miss a workout, but ate pretty crappy on my weekend carb up - glycogen load. Last week my weekly fast was Tuesday, then this week Monday (today) thankfully, next week I can get back to Sunday where it feels so much better.

    For workouts, everythign is rocking, the weight is climbing and seriously, I can't believe how difficult the squats are getting already at only 125 pounds. Going *kitten* to grass is a very different thing from what I've done before and I can see how it's going to hurt a bunch.

    It's funny that I went from hating leg day to brutally to doing barbell squats every other day of my life.

    On another note - a couple things that I've been thinking about.

    I bought a book on nutrient timing. It'll be my next major study area once I finish this hormone area I'm looking at. I was killing time in a Borders on tour and found this Natural Body Building magazine. I can't believe how small those guys are. I mean... is that all the bigger you can get without steroids? Man. I want to be bigger than that eventually, I dunno.... kind of eye opening.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    welcome home steve! glad you made it back safe and found some interesting research to look into. i have an aquaintance who tried anabolics and i literally yelled at him for it. you know better than anyone.... you're too smart for that.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    yay monday! its my sunday actually and back to work tomorrow.

    Nutrition: i steamed my first artichoke today! who knew there was so many carbs in artichokes! damnit i know now. :( but it was super good and i made a dip out of lemon juice and a lil bit of olive oil and chili pepper :) i went over on fats but i didn't eat like a tard and thats my main thing. learning to not eat like a moron. :)

    Exercise: about to change right now and hit the gym! :)

    Goal: low on water today but drank nothing else either spent all day painting a giant tree. looks like a kindergartner painted it. lol oh well. it was fun. i'll get my water in tho!

    ORDERED! i new scale and a digital food scale! :D

    this is Excellent. Fabulous! !!!

    Good day today. Sugar 2g over I don't think that is a disaster. Feeling really good about things in general and seem to be doing my best training...and got myself into a fairly good food habit. Hope it lasts
    big love - keep going x x x
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Not through with the day yet, but we have friends coming over for a bbq, so chances are slim that I'll get around to checking back in. I've logged in another day of JM's 6W6P, as well as another day of the 100 push up challenge and an extra 15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. Add all that up with some pretty significant house cleaning, and I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

    The push up challenge has ended up being pretty fun ( and I've managed to incorporate cardio with it during the rest period in between reps.

    The only problem with all this exercise is that my normal meal routine is not sufficient to fill me up. Hoping some water and green tea can get me though until the bbq :drinker:
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Rest day for me got up at 3:15 for the commute to Atlanta and flew all day ending up in Ft. Lauderdale with enough to get some sleep so i can go back and fly some more tomorrow, take care all and keep it up. You are all doing great!

  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yo Yo Yo!

    Long and busy day today. I completed my morning fasted cardio today and rocked out 3-mph/10-incline walking for 30 minutes before going to play my fabulous 50's show. Came home and hit the gym before class for my Squats (135lbs now) Shoulder Press (65lbs) and Deadlifts (125lbs.)

    The squats are actually starting to get a bit heavy because I'm going deep enough to feel it a bunch more than I used to. *kitten* to grass.

    I can't wait to get my numbers up to where I really feel like I'm working - should be so fun to beat my personal best every other day :)

    No diet pop for several days in a row since my last long drive on tour. Although today I had a very tempting moment, but got through it with more coffee.

    Going to veg out - my legs are feeling today's workouts hard.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Another rest day because there is nothing in this hotel and the hotel is in the airport, and it rained cats and dogs most of the day so I will have to do something tomorrow. Hope everyone is well.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Back on track today. I need to up my protein tomorrow as I was starving an hour after eating all day today.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Today was a rest day and boy did i enjoy it!!! Usually i feel the need to do something like walk or yoga on rest days but today i did nothing.... my body has taken such a beating with Asylum that i really need a day to do just nothing!!! Dont get me wrong, Im loving the Asylum and cant wait to start the Asylum/P90X Hybrid next!! ;-) Hope everyone is doing well and i will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow!!!
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i didn't mean to not check in yesterday lol oddly i was right on track except with the help of a buttload of cheese i went over my fat LOL

    today was a rest day yesterday i hit the gym my shin and leg burns like crazy now and i'm not sure why! so any insight would be great. its not the front of my shin its the outter side.

    so today i had a date and instantly knew i'd go over. apparently i did not which is surprising but whatever LOL no gym today but um... yeah did a lil wrestlin if you know what i mean LOL hehehehehehehe

    Nutrition: went to a hoity toity restaurant in LA got fish n chips which was totally natural because it was a hoity toity hipster LA joint. didn't eat the chips had a small salad instead. i did have a few tho so i logged them as if i ate them. just in case the log is wrong.

    Exercise: rest day um.. ahem LOL also joined the row around the world challenge for july! :D

    Habit: drank all my water before having iced tea at the restaurant. still no soda. :)
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Just did the Just Arms One-on-One dvd in the hotel, which thankfully had dumbells. I am starving will let my rec. drink kick in then devour some dinner. Hope everyone is staying on track!

  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I reset my % to reflect higher protein and fat. Having a hard time hitting my protein, which is surprising 'cause I tend to have a lot throughout the day.

    Did an hour workout today...6 Week 6 Pack, 100 Push Up challenge, 5 min. on the elliptical (during my push-up recovery times), and 1.5 mile run. Feelin' good about it.

    Still been really hungry all day. Could have used more water. Could also have used more coffee!! :drinker:
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Regarding watching my macro numbers more closely, I am doing really well! Am working out at least 5 days a week, and not too many treats. I am officially on holidays now, so I will have even more control over what I eat, and noone to blame but myself! Hopefully I can also get back to studying Japanese.