If you could do it again....

Hello everyone,this question is mainly for anyone who has lost over 75lbs or more.If you could do or shall I say change something you did in the beginning of your weightloss that would make it easier on yourself ,or save you alot of headaches and improve your outcome now what would it be.Or if you have a weightloss tip that would help someone at the beginning of there journey what would it be?:happy:


  • slcoree
    slcoree Posts: 6 Member
    You didnt gain it over night....you wont lose it over night. Every pound lost is a victory. If you have a bad day or bad week even you just have to keep going. If you give up you are only hurting yourself.
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    You didnt gain it over night....you wont lose it over night. Every pound lost is a victory. If you have a bad day or bad week even you just have to keep going. If you give up you are only hurting yourself.

    I agree, never give up!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    commenting so I can see the new replies :wink:
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I would have started working out a lot more towards the beginning of my weight loss. I lost my first 20lbs in about 2 months through diet alone, then the holidays came and I maintained for about 4 months, and so far I've lost another 30lbs since January. It's taken me about 1 year to lose 50lbs, but I know if I would have started pushing myself to workout more toward the beginning AND not letting myself get derailed during the holidays, I'd probably be at my goal weight right now.