414 Under Net Calorie Goal (week)

So is that good or bad, Im still not getting this bit lol?


  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    My average is about that... are you exercising? Some people will say "eat back your exercise calories" but others say different.. I think, if you're still hungry eat something within that limit... if not, then don't :P
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    400 under for 7 days isn't TOO bad, unless you're feeling tired and have no energy, etc. !
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    depends on how much weight you want to lose. How much calories your taking in how much your burning etc. If your only taking in 500 calories a day and burning 600 a day for 5 days thats kind of dangerous because your not getting any nutrients at all.

    I am on a low calorie diet (1200 a day) but I am taking multivitamins to help get what my meals lack.

    The important thing is, if you are trying to lose weight don't let your body go into survival mode (you take in too few calories so your body's metabolism drops it becomes harder to lose weight) and make sure your getting everything your body needs either through your diet or multivitamins.

    so in short. 414 a week isn't bad necessarily just make sure your getting what you need :)
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Im doing a fair bit of cycling at the minute, did 131km over the same calorie period.

    My calorie intake is set at 1310 and I'm eating them back as and when needed, unless it's a late evening bike ride, in which case its snack and bed.

    My target is 2lb loss per week but im not sure im getting anywhere near that, shapes changing I guess?!?

    Im concermed being under wont help lose weight, but thats the confusing part, Im not tired or lethargic, feel pretty good aswell so do I continue or try to get closer to zero or is it ok to be 400+ under goal every week?