Weighing In & Weight Fluctuating???

Ok --- I don't know if any of you hate weighing in as much as I do but GEEZ why do we have to fluctuate so much an any given day???

What day of the week do you find it best to weigh in on? I just joined MFP last Monday & from M - Sat I was down 1 lb...but from M - M only .4???? And let me just day that I step on the scale entirely too much...atleast 3 days/week ! I think I'll take my friends advice & take the scale to my MIL's right next door til weigh in time!!!! I'm trying to get rid of these last little 5 lbs (which of course can be the hardest), and while I'm happy with my measurements, I want the freakin' scale to give me what I want!!!!


  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not a lady, but I have the same issue... LOL. I weigh in twice a week on Fridays and Mondays. (I like to check back in after the weekend to see if I've done any damage. ) I can go up or down as much as 3 lbs from Monday to Friday. It's very frustrating to see that much weight back on the scale after you thought you lost it. BUT - I take solace in the fact that my clothes are practically falling off me these days and I feel great, so clearly this is working no matter what the scale is saying. (Although today I was down 2 so the scale is my friend again! LOL)
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    I weigh myself each day (its bad...) but I cant help it. I don't count it until mondays- I feel like since it's a new week its perfect. I literally go from 185 in the morning to 184.5 after my shower to 188 when I get home from school.- I take my morning weight each monday.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    I fluctuate EVERYDAY, no matter what. I like to see the small decreases because it gives me motivation but then when I see an increase it doesn't bother me as much because I know it's only a fluctuation. I started noticing that I was actually losing, and not just fluctuating, when I saw the same number (give or take a few ounces) 3 days in a row. Record every loss, don't record gains, and just keep working. Don't concentrate TOO much on the scale, use it for motivational purposes. (You never thought anybody would tell you to use a scale for motivation, did you?) :laugh:
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have the same frequent weigh-in problem. Sometimes I forget but most days I don't. I fluctuate all the time but less now (no more than 1-1.5 lbs). Before I would fluctuate as much as 2-3 lbs. It's my last 8-13 lbs and they are holding on for dear life. The last ones are the hardest!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm not a lady, but I have the same issue... LOL. I weigh in twice a week on Fridays and Mondays. (I like to check back in after the weekend to see if I've done any damage. ) I can go up or down as much as 3 lbs from Monday to Friday. It's very frustrating to see that much weight back on the scale after you thought you lost it. BUT - I take solace in the fact that my clothes are practically falling off me these days and I feel great, so clearly this is working no matter what the scale is saying. (Although today I was down 2 so the scale is my friend again! LOL)

    Well now I feel a little better knowing that men have the same problem! All I ever hear is how is just falls off y'all while sticking to us women!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    There is nothing wrong with weighing every day - it's all about how YOU interpret the results.

    I weigh in every day, and record the result in my iPhone app (TargetWeight).... it gives you some nice stats on what my average weekly loss is so far, how many days to my goal, etc.

    I take the daily fluctuations of my weight with a grain of salt (not literally...!)... but you know what I mean.....

    It's all down to what you do with the information.... because sometimes I use it to reflect on my food diary.... to see how the food I ate or didn't (high sodium or not enough water) affected my weight for that day.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Just to give you an idea of what aggrevates me (and how many times I've weighed today....just because today is my weigh in day) -- at 7:00 I was 140.4....an hour later 140.0....after my workout, but before breakfast 138.8????? 138.8!!!!! What tha heck? Couldn't it just say that first thing this morning and be done with it???? LOL! I didn't take that one though....I logged the first time I weighed this morning. BUT thats the first time the scale has said 138.8 in like 3 years....sooooooooo yaaaaaaayyyy! Maybe next monday will be better!!!!! I've also put my scale out of reach....for today!!!! ;)
  • jkey2004
    jkey2004 Posts: 21
    can u gain 1.6 lbs over night?? my weight seems to be fluctuating A LOT lately too. one day I'll be down a lb then up the next day then down .6 then up then down then up 1.6 lbs overnight?? whats going on?
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    These fluctuations are normal and are most likely just water or any food that may be in your system still. There is a constant in/out on a daily basis.

    I resisted the urge to check the scale this morning. I'm trying to stick to my once a week weigh in on Friday mornings.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    I too think I will try a Mon/Fri weigh in.....hoping 2 is better than 1 :) Have a good week everyone!! :happy:
  • jkey2004
    jkey2004 Posts: 21
    I weigh myself everyday..I know this is bad..I probably should try hiding the scale and only weighing twice a week.
  • tallandfat
    tallandfat Posts: 10
    I usually weigh in the mornings and when my stomach is empty...