Scale Advice

inshapeCK Posts: 3,941 Member
Has anyone ever owned or used a
Thinner (Glass Body Analysis) Scale (mine is Model TH178WC)
or a
Weight Watchers (Digital Glass) Scale (mine is Model WW38WC)?

I bought one of each and I now need to decide which one to return without using them.
They both measure to 1/10 of a pound
but I want to know which one is more accurate and consistent when it comes to telling you your weight.

They are both made by CONAIR
but the Weight Watchers one was more expensive
even though the Thinner one has more features.
I don't care about the features.
I just want a scale that gives me accurate and consistent readings and lasts for a long time.


  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    i have a glass WW one, but don't know the model number or anything. i've been very satisfied with mine. readings are always consistent and reasonable :)
  • nifnerf
    nifnerf Posts: 26 Member
    I had a WW one but returned it because of the cost, and then purchased a Thinner one - almost half the cost, same features and I am finding the readings to be accurate/the same with either one.