What's your NS motivation???

To any of you out there whol have already reached your goal weight and are just maintaining, do you have any tricks to keep yourself motivated?

I have already reached my goal weight and am pretty sure that I will not lose any more. At this point, I'm working on toning my body and maintaining my current weight. However, I find myself struggling for motivation some days. I still go to the gym as many days as possible but tend to talk myself out of going more easily if things need to be done at home. I have maintained my weight (withing a fluctuation of a few pounds here and there) for the past 3 months. I am happy with my body but know I could be even happier. Since my weight came off so fast but my toning results aren't as fast, I'm strugggling to find the positive reinforcement that I had before. Another moitvator I had before was a reward for meeting my weight goals. I would like to find some type of measurement I could use to allow me to do this again.

Any ideas?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, I have not reached my goal weight yet, but my motivation for now and always will just be life! Being an inspiration to those around us who are where we once were. :)
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    To keep me going, I've tried to set goals like running a certain amount of miles in a month or completing a workout video circuit (i.e. 30 Day Shred or 6 Week 6 Pack by Jillian Michaels). Those kinds of goals really help me.
  • aimdawson
    aimdawson Posts: 31
    Ironman Triathlon.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Motivation doesnt last. Neither does bathing so I recommend both daily. :o)

    I keep it real by thinking about how HARD it is to get there, and how MUCH easier it is to STAY there once you have arrived.

    Life's tragedy is not that it is too short, it is that we wait so long to start living it......
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    It is easier if you have a fitness hobby as in running/cycling as it is much easier as you get caught up in the whole thing and don't really notice it
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I agree with Ezwoldo... If you make something your hobby then it is easier to not notice working out as a chore...

    I joined a soccer team with my husband, and we both enjoy that tons.. I also have become totally addicted to running...

    5K's are quite easy to train for. And they are usually cheap to enter... so if you sign up for some races then you have commitments to them and you are less likely to give up on training...

    Set goals for yourself. If you maintain your weight (within 2-3 pounds) then in ____ months you get to buy a new outfit, or you get to buy this or that... or plan a vacation, and if you maintain your weight, then you can buy a new bikini for htat vaca. or what ever...

    Just because you don't have any to lose, doesn't mean that you cant still reward yourself for your efforts in maintaining. its still going to be hard to maintain until it becomes natural. So Definately keep rewarding yourself.
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    This is a GREAT idea. I do have the 30 day shred video but because I have two young children at home, my only real option for working out uninterrupted is at the gym. i usually do the stair stepper and some circuit training so maybe I can set a goal to burn x number of calories on the stair stepper and to do x number of reps in a month. I think I'll try that out. Thanks for responding.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    a stronger, leaner body. My boyfriend and I have decided to join a local group that does hikes on the weekends and I want to get stronger and stronger so I can do the harder hikes without looking pathetic! :)
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    This is all great advice? I did buy a bikini (yes I was shocked too) for a recent vacation. And the biggest reward that came from that was all of the compliments I received from my husband. I receive compliments from friends, loved ones, and coworkers so that helps but i don't want to rely on those for motivation because I know they'll fade off now as people become used to seeing me at my current weight. Besides, I love having internal motivation. I take pride in myselft when I reach goals so I think that's what I'll stick to.