White tea Vs Green tea..??

I currently drink green tea, i dont mind the taste and obviously drink it for it's benefits. However, I had white tea today and preferred the taste, but is it as beneficial as green tea?

I know i could probably search this online and i have already searched the message boards but id like to hear from people who drink both - does it actually make a difference which one you drink?


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    What's white tea?

    EDIT: I found this:-

    The manufacturing of white tea is relatively simple compared to the manufacturing of other teas. The base process for manufacturing white tea is as follows:
    Fresh tea leaf → Withering → Drying (air drying, solar drying or mechanical drying) → White tea[5]

    White tea belongs to the group of tea that does not require panning, rolling or shaking. Therefore, its manufacture saves time and labour. However, the selection of raw material in white tea manufacture is extremely stringent; only the plucking of young tea leaves with much fine hair can produce good-quality white tea with lots of pekoe.[5]
    [edit] Processing

    Although black, green and white tea all derive from the same plant, they all undergo different processing. The more processing the tea goes through, the darker the tea becomes. Both green and white tea are among the least processed, being steamed as opposed to being air-dried. This process keeps the leaves closer to their natural state and may increase the tea's anti-oxidant properties.
    [edit] Health
    The visible white hairs are a unique characteristic of the Bai Hao Yinzhen tea.

    Like black and green tea, white tea is also derived from Camellia sinensis. Thus, white tea shares many of the same chemical properties and health effects of tea. The particular amount and ratio of the polyphenol compounds found in tea varies widely from one type of white tea to another, frequently overlapping with chemical compositions found in green tea. This is due both to the variation between strain of Camellia sinensis, as well as the preparation process itself. [6] These compounds have been shown to protect against certain types of cancer both in vitro and in vivo. [7]
  • onlinebs
    onlinebs Posts: 15
    They are both actually the same plant as black tea. There are very few tea varieties in the world, surprisingly enough. The four main varieties - white, green, regular and black - all have to do with the maturity of the plant at harvest. Some people feel that green is the sweet spot for antioxidants. I prefer black, but they all have their place. White tea is great cold, green is actually better hot. Black tea is awesome hot, especially if it is chair spiced - but not as many people like it cold. I do, but that's me. Try any dark tea with sweetener and cream, it is amazing - and a natural appetite suppressant.

    A good rule of thumb to go by, since different teas go with different moods is to replace coffee with black tea, iced or hot. A hot cup of green tea is good at sunset to relax you. White teas are good on the go beverages.