tips for getting rid of spots?

Hi everyone,

does anyone know of any good natural ways to get rid of spots? I'm 22 and feel like my skin is now worse than it's ever been. I seem to always get a few spots on my face around my t-zone and chin but i also get sore spots on my shoulders and chest and they seem to take ages to go away even when I leave them alone!

I have considered going on the pill to help with this, as some blends are meant to be good at helping with spots, but tbh i really don't want to go back on the pill. i like knowing where i am in my cycle and not having my hormones tampled with!

So does anyone know of any natural foods that would help - maybe things that act as body cleansers?

Thanks! x


  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I've had the same problem. Last year I found out I had a blood disorder and I had to go off the pill and my stin got totally wacky. I messed around with it for about 9 months. I eat tons of fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, and even tried some skin supplements that my doctor recommended, to no avail. Finally I just went back to the dermatologist. I have some gentle cremes now and an extremely low dose of a diuretic and my skin is already sooo much better. You could try some of the skin supplements out there, mine was one that specifically targeted the liver and regulating hormones...but it didn't seem to work for me. I say see the dermatologist and see what they have to tell you!
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Are you talking about acne? Short of seeing a dermatologist and going on an antibacterial antibiodic/antiandrogen, the only way to minimize acne occurences is by eating WHOLE foods (NOT processed foods) and drinking only water. I'm not sure how much that will really help though. I had to start seeing a derm about 2 years ago, because I have hormonal acne, and unfortunately, medicine is the only thing that will stop my face from breaking out...
  • beachbum13
    beachbum13 Posts: 96 Member
    By spots, do you mean blemishes? If so I take a foaming wash that is prescribed by my dr. I also take a lotion with the same ingredient, sulfur. I know you mentioned natural but I had terrible breakouts and this has worked really great. You can try to find some products that have sulfur in them that is suppose to be very good against bacteria
  • littlelaurabear
    thanks everyone. beachbum13, yeah I've heard sulfur works - my mum gave me this paste to put on the spots and boils over night but it didnt work all that well. perhaps I wasn't doing it regularly enough. I also took homeopathic sulfur and that did work for a bit - maybe I should go get some more of those. I'm also going to google what foods contain sulfur for an extra boost (assuming there are some out there?!).

  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    Toothpaste!!! and any products containing tea tree oil will be good for your skin. I would go and get a cleansing facial as well, and drink lots and lots of water!
  • vegout2
    vegout2 Posts: 14
    Acne can affect anyone - its not just a teenage thing, but it can also be aggrevated by certain foods, My daughter had really bad spots for years and nothing worked including meds from the doctors. It was only when she started developing some gut problems that she was diagnosed with a lactose intolerance. Gave up cheese and went on a low lactose diet and the spots all went away. May be something to follow up, but you should never totally eliminate one food group from your diet without medical support. However you could try reducing your consumption of dairy products and seeing if it makes a difference
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108

    I use her Clear line. It's the best thing I've EVER used. Similar to Proactiv but much much more gentle and it's loaded with anitoxidants. I use everything but the cleanser (I just use a regular one). I can't praise it enough, and her customer service is amazing. I was using it before I went off the pill and was worried that I would still see some breakouts but it's kept them under control and I've been off the pill for about 7 months now. Try it, you won't regret it.
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    Make sure you're drinking lots of water too. It seems to really help keep my skin looking better. I also avoid wearing make-up most days (especially if I'm not going out) and just splash water on my face instead of using harsh cleansers. Sometimes, it helps to just take a break from all of the chemicals and let our skin take care of itself.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    My daughter had the same problem, and as she got older (she's now 31) it kept getting WORSE! She tried everything, and eventually found a doctor who performed a blood test and determined that she's GLUTEN-INTOLERANT! She's cut out all gluten and is now acne free for the first time in several years. Strange, but true! And she must really adhere to the No Gluten rule. Even a tiny bit and she'll immediately break out again. FYI - she went to a dermatologist too, but she refused to take the anti-biotics (for her own personal reasons), so that's when she went down the path of trying to figure out if she had a food allergy of some sort. So, if all else fails, you may want to try eliminating gluten and see if it helps!