Newbie to MFP and determined to get back to a healthy weight

ccvalentine Posts: 20
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! Thanks for viewing! I have 40 pounds to lose and know exactly what I need to do to get there. Unfortunately, I've let my love of food and my social life take over the priorities such as going to the gym on a regular basis and eating healthy home-cooked meals. I'm also 30 this year so my metabolism has really taken a pit stop it seems...

If you're in the same boat I am and/or from around the Charlotte, NC/Fort Mill, SC/Rock Hill, SC area, say hi and let's work together towards our goals!



  • jenny_fur
    jenny_fur Posts: 73
    Welcome! I just joind this morning, too. I also have 40 lbs to lose..... AND I live in Concord! wowzier! I just turned 40 so I can tell you, it doesnt get easier!!
    Good Luck!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Welcome! I just truned 33 and my metabolism hit bottom when I turned 30 too. I know what you are going through. I will send you a friend request. The more motivation we have the better. Good luck!
  • Aamirio
    Aamirio Posts: 1 Member
    Forget all that nonsense abt being old and so metabolism is slow. Just stick to the MFP calculated calorie recommendation and you will soon see results, within 2 weeks in fact. Im delighted with the 11 lbs ive lost since joining mfp few months back, now wherever i go every1 notices how different i look (Thank God,) im a 3rd of the way towards my target and loving it! good luck :)

    Advice: Stick to the calorie target and only ever let go once a week, other than that, stay on the target, it works! If you're strict enough with yourself, you wont even hafta exercise, losing weight is 95% disciplined diet, 5% exercise, trust me!
  • Ha! Small world! Thanks for writing and for the support, good luck to you as well!
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