The evils of diet soda...



  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    Put your seat belt on. They will arrive with frothy self-rightousness in 3..2..1..

    Too funny!!! Love it! Brightened up my monday - tee hee!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    i have started drinking it. I used to hate it but one can a day has replaced my 2 or 4 regular pops a day. I have lost weight. It makes me feel normal to be able to drink it if i go out anywhere.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    OP, I think your plan is a good one. For me (and I'm only speaking to my personal experience), if I drink too much Diet Coke during the day, I feel dragged out. When I drink unsweetened black iced tea, I don't feel that way. I start my day with a large cold cup of unsweetened iced tea, and then I try to switch to water and limit the Diet Coke consumption. I don't feel that diet sodas are bad - I do love my Diet Coke - but I think my body appreciates water and tea more than Diet Coke.

    Again, this is just me - YMMV.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks for ALL the posts - I appreciate those of you who could give me the information that you could pertaining to it's I didn't think about sodium content thought - I have not been logging it since it was zero calories, but maybe I should just to make sure I have an accurate sodium count!

    Thanks again everyone!

    The sodium in Diet Pepsi is pretty low. About 25mg per 8 oz serving. Gatorade has 4 times that amount.

    If you drink nothing but soda all day long, the sodium will add up, but there's not enough in one to cause water retention.

    I've cut way down on my soda habit, but I love the stuff.

    I should selfishly urge you to drink Coke, since my husband works for the local Pepsi distributor and he works entirely too hard. Buy Coke and maybe he'll be able to punch out at quitting time. :laugh:
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Facinating question and responses. I always stuck to one diet soda a day or maybe two, and was able to loose 40 pounds and reach my goal. Though I have been reading articles about how even one diet soda a day can raise your risk for diabetes and other health diseases. According to one article, diet is worse than "regular" in terms of increased health risks. You may want to talk to your doctor to know the real risks, and if you're already high risk for things that a diet soda can exacerbate then maybe it's time to stop the diet sodas.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Do what you want. If you like it, drink it. If you don't like it, don't drink it. You aren't going to drop dead from an occasional diet soda.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i love diet soda and sparkling water. i've heard that they just cause you to crave bad things that's why you shouldn't drink them. i have the opposite effect. when i drink anything diet i feel full and end up eating way less. i rarely drink soda of any kind though because i'm broke and can't afford them. lol. but i think that if you want one then have one. just don't give in to the cravings.
  • choughton01
    choughton01 Posts: 68 Member
    Since when is 30mg per serving a "TON"?

    I was thinking the same.
  • choughton01
    choughton01 Posts: 68 Member
    How do people move other people's comments and comment on those. I tried with the 30 sodium ton thing and now it looks like I posted it which was not my intention. I agree 30 is not a ton.
  • fmorpurgo
    fmorpurgo Posts: 32
    In the words of the mighty Adam Ant, dont drink, dont smoke, what do you do?- Have a diet soda if you damn well want one, you are on a diet, and denial is the name of the game, so if you want a little treat, what is the harm?? Burp! :glasses:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I just realized that my beloved Diet Mountain Dew is causing my non-stop heartburn. :sad: I really am bummed about this. I cannot imagine giving it up, but I guess I will have to if I ever want to be comfortable again. So add heartburn to the list of evils of diet soda.................:cry:
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member

    I should selfishly urge you to drink Coke, since my husband works for the local Pepsi distributor and he works entirely too hard. Buy Coke and maybe he'll be able to punch out at quitting time. :laugh:

    LOL! This is awesome :) Actually, if I am at a restaurant, I will happily choose a diet fountain coke over a diet pepsi - I love fountain diet coke - it's great stuff! So there you go - I do support your husband when I go to a restaurant (and not just drink water) :)
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Supposedly it tricks the body into thinking it's gotten sugar and the body reacts as such. Then, when it realizes, it makes you crave sugar to account for it. However, if someone is on here and is readily aware of their diets, I would guess that they might feel less affected. They've already decided to show self control.

    I'm sure there are one a day drinkers, but I have to say I know far more chronic diet soda drinkers, personally... than I do chronic regular soda drinkers. And they are larger people, with no intention to lose weight, because it's not their fault they're overweight. It's genetics. Circumstantial evidence is wonderful though, no? Soda isn't great for you in general, but one every now and again won't hurt. It's just mass drinking the stuff that's terrible.
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    How do people move other people's comments and comment on those. I tried with the 30 sodium ton thing and now it looks like I posted it which was not my intention. I agree 30 is not a ton.

    Under the post, select the "quote" button instead of the reply and it will put special tags around the original post :)
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I'm gonna be honest, I gag on water, and will never stop drinking no cal drinks. I feel it's better than being dehydrated.
    I pee all day long.
    I don't drink alcohol because I don't enjoy the taste. Same deal with water.

    I'm wondering how your ancestors lived long enough to pass on the gene that makes water repulsive. If you were to stop drinking sweet drinks all the time I bet it wouldn't make you gag anymore. I used to drink at least 6 cokes a day and hated water, now i love it. Of course not all water is the same, perhaps you are drinking some really foul stuff where you live.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm gonna be honest, I gag on water, and will never stop drinking no cal drinks. I feel it's better than being dehydrated.
    I pee all day long.
    I don't drink alcohol because I don't enjoy the taste. Same deal with water.

    I'm wondering how your ancestors lived long enough to pass on the gene that makes water repulsive. If you were to stop drinking sweet drinks all the time I bet it wouldn't make you gag anymore. I used to drink at least 6 cokes a day and hated water, now i love it. Of course not all water is the same, perhaps you are drinking some really foul stuff where you live.

    I drink water with lemon in it. It gives it just enough flavor. It helped me stop drinking quite as much soda. I still drink it like once a weekish, but I used to drink it all day.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    From my understanding there is a TON of sodium in those diet sodas and that in turn can cause you to retain water.

    Also, the effects of drinking too much aspratame is bad (although I am not too sure what they are, I just know they are bad)

    I dont think diet soda is a sodium culprit, but I know powerade zero will throw you through the roof.

    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener. Has to do with formaldehyde too I believe.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm gonna be honest, I gag on water, and will never stop drinking no cal drinks. I feel it's better than being dehydrated.
    I pee all day long.
    I don't drink alcohol because I don't enjoy the taste. Same deal with water.

    I'm wondering how your ancestors lived long enough to pass on the gene that makes water repulsive. If you were to stop drinking sweet drinks all the time I bet it wouldn't make you gag anymore. I used to drink at least 6 cokes a day and hated water, now i love it. Of course not all water is the same, perhaps you are drinking some really foul stuff where you live.

    I drink water with lemon in it. It gives it just enough flavor. It helped me stop drinking quite as much soda. I still drink it like once a weekish, but I used to drink it all day.

    I used to hate water too, then I stopped drinking anything else and now I crave it!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    I love my diet Pepsi, but darn those manufacturers are smart, drink it and you want more, more, more.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Diet wild cherry is my favorite! ( ive gotten other friends hooked now 2!) They SAY that the artificial sweetener actually spikes ur blood sugar and causes you to crave sweets. In my experiance, i dont have that problem. I drink a ton of it everyday- along with water and coffee and I'm at my goal weight. I'ld say just monitor if you have higher cravings after drinking it. Me personally, I wont be giving it up.

    if that were the case why can diabetics drink diet coke?? id say it doesnt spike your blood sugar