What REALLY works?

really what works in the weight loss department, is it low carb, low fat, low calories. Or just hard work and calories in calories out. I am so stuck and have been for almost 4 months now. But really I am so beginning to see that REAL food and calories in calories out is the magic combination. What does everyone else think I am so tired of fads.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First thought - Honey, you lost 100 pounds - you must know what works to some extent!
    Second thought - what works is different for everyone.

    Plain old eating lighter, portion control and consistent exercise is what works for me...
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I think it's finding what's right for you. I wish it was easier than that. REAL food is always the best option. Calories in and out definitely matter, but so do carbs. I was stuck for months too and I actually increased my calories and lowered my carbs just a little and lost 2 lbs last week! First good loss since Christmas!!! I try to think like Dory from Finding Nemo... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming"...

    You have done SOOO well! You can do this! Make some tweaks and keep pressing forward. :flowerforyou:
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    There is the science and numbers behind weight loss, and then there are the variables of our own unique bodies. so there isn't one answer for everyone..

    If you have been stuck however look at the link in my signature "HOW TO BREAK THROUGH A PLATEAU" the writer is super smart, and writes it all out in lamens terms. It may shed some light on what you are/are not doing wrong.
  • LaylaClapton
    It's burning more calories than you eat.
  • fnm101
    fnm101 Posts: 116 Member
    First thought - Honey, you lost 100 pounds - you must know what works to some extent!
    Second thought - what works is different for everyone.

    Plain old eating lighter, portion control and consistent exercise is what works for me...

    I thought the same thing! Tell us what YOU did too ;-)

    It is an individual-based "game." I wish I had a solid answer for you...Since you've hit a plateau, think about what you've been doing, and try something quite different. If you've been doing lots of cardio, back it down and increase your weights. Eat lots of carbs? Up the protein now and drop your carbs. Sometimes it just takes a little switch-up.

    Best wishes!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    First thought - Honey, you lost 100 pounds - you must know what works to some extent!
    Second thought - what works is different for everyone.

    Plain old eating lighter, portion control and consistent exercise is what works for me...

    Agreed! This weight loss journey is a balance for what works for YOUR body. I stick to eating appropriate amounts of healthy foods while moving more! I exercise everyday...some people lose just as much, if not more than me only working out 3 days a week! So you have to find what you feel you are capable of sticking to both eating and exercising wise. There's no perfect plan for everyone...Keep up the great work:)

    God bless
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It's burning more calories than you eat.

    Yup. You can obsess about low carb, no carb, high fiber, Paleo, clean eating, cleansing, detoxing, banning sugar, banning coffee...but when it comes down to it, the bottom line is calories in, calories out.

    Of course it is more complicated than that but it doesn't have to be nearly as complicated as a lot of people try and make weight loss programs.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Good old fashioned watching your calories and working out (and working out HARD) is what works in the long run. Plus you have to be in the right mindset to keep it off, to keep working towards new goals, and to keep motivated.
  • haileyco
    haileyco Posts: 68
    I think most important is calories in vs calories out. Exercise is key, especially strength training since muscle burns more. I have heard that eating a good amt of protein is key and to keep your carbs lower than your protein. Water is also super important. I am sure that you have plateaued because you haev lost such a large amt of weight....WAY TO GO. I would work on the exercising and strenghtening and just plain ole calories in, calories out. Having an adequate deficit from your BMR will work. Patience, easier said than done i know!!!!
  • Mommyof3texans
    All I can speak for is what worked for me, and what you said is pretty much it. I stick pretty close to a 1300 calorie a day plan plus I eat most to all of my exercise calories. I eat has few processed foods as possible and have really worked on getting my veggies in. It really is about doing this on a consistent basis, I just logged my 100th day on here and am at 19lbs lost. For some, that may not seem like a lot but I am quite close to my goal now.