I am just..constantly hungry! I sit at my desk all day at work, but I try to incorporate good foods and protein in throughout the day while eluding the vending and soda machines.

For example, so far today, I've had 35 grams of protein so far from various sources (special k protein shakes and a luna bar, ect.)

My main problem is because I have to take my lunch late at 2:30pm, and in between my mid-morning-pre-afternoon snack, is when my hunger awakens!

What, pray tell, am I doing wrong!???!? I was told to eat more protein, yet it doesn't seem to help! I'm also told to NOT eat too much protein, and to never let yourself go hungry because your body will conserve fat during the day.

I am asking, once again, for some feedback on my problem. :( Feel free to take a look at my food diary for today!


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    hang in there.
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    I am always hungry too!! I am about a week in and I am hoping that will fizz out as I continue. When you're body is used to getting a certain amount of food and you stop eating so much, it's hungry all the time. I've been trying to eat something every few hours and drink more water. Sometimes (and I stress the sometimes lol) after drinking a glass of water my hungry subsides, so that's worth a shot too.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Are you completing your diary? Some days were so low not even a bird can live on that!

    1200 min calories, make protein, fiber and water first and foremost. Limit carbs (esp simple carbs & sugar).

    Try 3 meals and 2 snacks, make the snacks protein like greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein bars (17grams of protein) and if that doesn't work go the other route of 5-6 mini meals a day and see if that works.

    Remember, you have to give your body fuel to burn!
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    it is good that you are increasing your protein but also try to lower your carbs. you are hungry because your sugar level are crashing. if you try to fix that it may help.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    More veggies? They're low calorie and may help you fill in the gaps?
  • Sacredmaiden
    Hi there,

    It might not be a protein issue. How is your water intake? Sometimes the body can confuse thirst with hunger. Try drinking a cup of water and see what that does for you.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    maybe would it be possible to eat something you have to chew instead of drinking the a bowl of special k or another bar or even some egg whites or something like that.

    i know for me personally i felt like i was always starving when i did drinks for meals so i had to switch to doing just small meals of food and only using the drinks if i was really in a pinch.

    you could also try eating really crunchy /chewy snacks like almonds or low sodium beef jerky or of course carrot sticks/apple slices etc. because chewing helps to trigger your full feelings... sugar free gum or hard candies might help too

    im not an expert ..these are just things i tried that helped me
  • nimbi
    nimbi Posts: 27
    Try eating things like oats, they're slow to release energy and really filling.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Fiber items fill me up. I make a navy bean soup w/ either ground beef or ground turkey. 1/2 cup carries me quite a while. I did realize it can have a lot of sodium, so I use low sodium broth, and tomato paste. They have all sorts of recipes on the web, and they are all pretty much the same. You can also pack in the veggies and not realize it. Don't forget to add the water when eating this. Good Luck!!
  • mburgoyne1
    mburgoyne1 Posts: 3 Member
    Your protein intake is just fine. No need to worry about that part. But here's something that may help you stay sated for longer periods between meals. Eat something that "sticks to your ribs" (as our mothers used to say) ... something with a high fiber content. Fiber is the food that takes the longest to go through your digestive tract. If you've had a high fiber snack in the morning, you can drink lots of water through mid-day and it should stay with you longer ... so you can make it to your mid-afternoon snack. Good sources of fiber: whole grains, nuts, dried fruits.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I feel the same way some days! I found foods that take a lot of chewing help and eating really low calories things just so you dont feel like your starving between snacks/meals. I usualy eat celery, it seems to help and is only about 7cal per 7 inch stick
  • xcrystalx
    xcrystalx Posts: 19
    try eating more fibre to fill you up, some dried fruit, wholemeal bread, beans or nuts, if you desperatley need to keep the calories down have a drink of tea or coffee when your hungry, also coffee suppressess appetite.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I think the protein is a good strategy, yes, but the shake and the luna bar come with low volume and quite a bit of sugar. Personally, they wouldn't keep me full despite the protein. I go for volume and "no added sugar" approach: a tin of tuna or a bit of chicken breast with loads of veggies and some avocado or beans with loads of salad ingredients and a few nuts or yogurt with berries etc. I find that adding some good fats to my snacks also helps with feeling full.

    Good luck!
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    More dense food. Eating bread, shakes, rice cakes, is like eating nothing. You can have a giant spinach salad with barely any calories. More fruits and veggies.
  • beachbum13
    beachbum13 Posts: 96 Member
    Maybe you should have two snacks before lunch. You are going a long time without eating. For example, I have a snack at around 10 and then lunch at 12/12:30, another snack at about 3pm. You are going from a morning snack all the way to 2:30pm.

    Just be careful if you are eariung due to boredom. I used to do this all the time, not really hungry but needed to keep chewing.

    Is it possible you are confusing hunger with thirst? Try drinking some water first, if that doesn't help have a snack. Balance it off with either more exercise or have a smaller dinner.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Have you checked the sugar amounts in special K and the luna bars?

    Sugar and Sugar substitutes make you crave more sugar, or more food. Instead of a luna bar for protein try some greek yogurt or a cheese stick or a boiled egg or two, less processed sugar. And it will be hard for you to eat too much protein unless you are used to eating tons of protein. 1 cup of FAGE plain greek yogurt has 23 grams of protein. I can barely eat 1/2 cup of greek yogurt. Pair that with some whole wheat LOW sugar cereal and you are good to go...

    Sugar will be a huge factor of hunger. and if you are newer to dieting, your body is still used to sugar, so you are going to have those cravings until you wein your body off of the massive amounts of sugar you were eating before..

    it gets tons easier.. just keep with it.
  • DoctorWhoFan
    I had two hard boiled eggs for breakfast with a 200ml glass of ice cold semi-skimmed milk at 7am. I wasn't hungry until about 12.30pm and usually I am STARVING by 10am when I eat my old breakfast of cereal at 8.30am.

    I think that shakes are useless, they don't fill me up. Also eat some fruit and veggies as snacks to fill you up on the go.

    Hope this helps!
  • vg18
    vg18 Posts: 1
    I have several snacks that are low in calories and they help me wait a little longer: organic peeled carrots (you can buy a big bag at costco, and they are already washed), light and fit yogurt (80 calories each), apricots (only 17 calories each), a lot of orbitz sugar free gum and drink water every time you are hungry to see if the hunger goes away...

    Stay strong! All the best!

  • sb_summer
    sb_summer Posts: 8
    I agree with the Previous Poster, be sure you always get at least 1200 cals a day. You can also check your nutritional report via MFP to see how much protein you get each day.

    My experience is that the processed stuff, like Lunas and Special K, doesn't satisfy my the way real food does. For my protein snacks, I steam a few chicken breasts at the beginning of each week, cut it into bite sized pieces, portion it into ziplock bags. I always have a small amount of fat with each snack (about 6 almonds or half of a string cheese), and a little bit of fiber (raw veggie sticks).

    Also, this might sound horrible, but anytime I fall off the wagon and have to transition back into "responsible eating" mode, I do find myself hungry for a few days in a row, as my body adjusts to eating less food. I drink a lot of black coffee and tea (no sweatner, nothing) to help me get through it, but after 3 days or so, I become less sensitive to my hunger.

    Good luck! I hope you find just the right approach for you!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think the protein is a good strategy, yes, but the shake and the luna bar come with low volume and quite a bit of sugar. Personally, they wouldn't keep me full despite the protein. I go for volume and "no added sugar" approach: a tin of tuna or a bit of chicken breast with loads of veggies and some avocado or beans with loads of salad ingredients and a few nuts or yogurt with berries etc. I find that adding some good fats to my snacks also helps with feeling full.

    Good luck!
    I know, I realize that the luna bar and protein shakes are pretty high in sugars..I think I'll start to use them sparingly when I'm in a rush and just need a grab-and-go breakfast. But I really like your idea, thank you!