The weekends are killing me!!



  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I think you may have gotten the idea by now, but just in case....Log It!! No matter how bad it is. If you make a habit of logging EVERYTHING, you'll find yourself stopping to think about it before you eat it! "Do I really want to have to log eating all these chips?" Then make the decision accordingly. You might decide not to eat them, only eat half, or go ahead and commit to an extra workout! And remember, people are here to support you, not judge you!
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I used to have a major problem with the weekends until I did two things:

    1. Stopped drinking
    2. Started doing long runs on Sunday.

    I eat at maintenance levels on Saturday (around 2000 calories for me) and then I eat ~3000 to offset the long run on Sunday.
  • flyawaybyebye
    Oh, and I totally agree with sheisbrown! Planning your weekends out ahead of time and even logging the food ahead of time (and then sticking to what you planned/logged) would be a really fantastic strategy for you, especially if you're still going to drink. That way, you aren't dependent on your ability to make a wise choice on-the-spot. Have a few go-to options you like at the regular places you and your friends like to go out to. For a pub, for example, I'd do a "burger salad" - get a hamburger, but order it with just the veggies (no bun, no cheese, no sauces) and either eat it wrapped in lettuce with the other veggies (onion, tomato, pickle, etc.) or if it doesn't come with a large enough piece of lettuce to wrap with, get a side salad to go with it and cut the burger up into pieces to put on top. Don't get fries (not even garlic fries, as amazing as they are). If a friend gets them, eat one or two of theirs, but if you get a whole order, you'll eat them all (especially if they're garlic fries... I think I hate you a little bit for even mentioning garlic fries, because I'm now craving them...). For a steakhouse, order a leaner cut (NY strip, top sirloin) not a fatty cut (rib eye, prime rib), ask for it grilled without butter/oil, and get steamed (no butter/oil) veggies with it instead of the potato, fries, etc. Don't eat the bread/chips/etc. Ask for a salad to be served immediately if you need something before your entree is ready, because the bread/chips are evil. Empty, useless calories. I hope some of that helps!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    so glad that I am not alone!! it is such a struggle. and I am going to try to stick to the suggestion of logging everything. it is very hard sometimes! especially when what you want to add is something homemade and not in the database. I have such a hard time knowing what to put for the calories. but, enough is enough, and I am going to start today logging everything. my marathon trainging starts July 17th, and I need to get some weight off by then!!

    I will add you and maybe we can get thru this together!!!!

    I was frustrated to begin with because we make lots of casseroles, stews, skillet meals. Now, I just create the recipe here so I don't have to figure out each ingredient every time we have it!
  • berchen82
    berchen82 Posts: 59
    I also think weekend are "the bad days" for me. During the week it's ok, even if we go out for dinner. But on Saturday we have often friends with us for a BBQ. And I can't stop eating, while there is food on the table.
    I have to minimize the portion I eat and have to do more exercise :-)
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    Log everything you eat/drink, even if it's not good for you and you feel bad about it. Seeing it could potentially serve as a good deterrent in the future. Also, before deciding to order something you'll regret, think about the hard work you put in all week. That's always helped me. Last but not least, give yourself one "cheat day" each week. For instance, I pretty much eat whatever I want on Sundays. There have been studies stating it's actually good to do that because it tricks your body and keeps the metabolism churning.

    Good luck!
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    I know this may sound crazy....but try logging EVERYTHING you eat, even on the really bad days. I used to skip the weekends for that very same reason, but now I try to log it all, the good, bad, and the ugly, and it serves as a "deterrent" to ever having to log that much again!!!:frown:
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks!! I really appreciate all the suggestions and the friend requests. I feel the motivation coming through and I am committed to get through the next weekend with my plan intact!

    I will plan ahead and log everything I eat this weekend! I think that will help keep my brain on the right track. For me the weekend usually involves lots of sports and activities so I think mentally I go into the "it doesn't really matter" zone. I will get off that mode and stay on track this weekend.

    What I will do is plan and make sure to have on hand all the food that I will eat this weekend. I will log in my meals and snacks before I eat them and then I just won't eat anything that is not on the list! Easy!! See, I CAN DO IT! I'm good when I have a plan and all these new friends to help motivate me!!

    Thanks again everyone!!
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    OK, just a quick update. I am so motivated that I have already started planning out my meals for Saturday and Sunday!'s only Monday! I can't wait for the weekend. I'll check back in next Monday to report my great success!
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    I struggle with the weekends as well! I do really well (for the most part) during the week, but then the weekend hits and I lose all control. My weekend habits are a work in progess but things that I am trying to implement are...

    1) fewer / lower calorie beverages :drinker:
    2) morning exercise!!! (i know i'm not going to do it later... unless it is part of my day... hiking etc) <-- being more active at BBQs, the beach etc helps as well... play a game or go for a walk... those calories add up!
    3) write down everything i eat then log on monday... this is a killer... but i need a reality check!
    4) I really try to plan a healthy breakfast (a good start to the day is important to me)...

    Trust me this is a battle for me... a tend to lose 2lbs per week and gain 2-3 over the weekend... :grumble: ... it is a journey!:drinker: keep it up!!!!!
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    excellent! have always weighed on Monday and Friday mornings, but never thought about only "counting" the Monday weight. that makes so much sense, Light bulb on! lol it is truly the only weight that counts.