The funny things you learn while losing weight

defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I used to think I'd never be satisfied with fruit as a snack. I <3 processed carbs, lol.

So I'm struck by how simple and easy it's been for me to switch over to eating fruit for snack. It's amazing how all it takes is a small bit of prep time on the weekend and viola! I have snack all week! I cube up a watermelon and just bring it in tupperware to work. I open a can of un-sweetened pineapple chunks and throw it in tupperware and into my lunch bag it goes! Grapes. Clementines. Nectarines. Apples. FRESH CHERRIES! It's not that I didn't *enjoy* these things before. I just never thought ahead to prepare them for myself so they weren't convenient. And we all know, we reach for what's convenient.

So I'm sitting here, eating my pineapples, patting myself on the back for making what I feel is a permanent switch. :) I know that as long as I make time on Sunday to portion things out, I can maintain this habit for life.


  • sfmathews
    sfmathews Posts: 36 Member
    We do that as well, It's too expensive to buy the stuff already pre-sliced in the produce selection. A little planning pays off big! Keep it up!
  • kjb0976
    kjb0976 Posts: 68
    Good job!

    Another funny thing is once you lose the weight, you are no longer a bath tub stopper. When taking a bath, you gotta keep the drain in or all the water disappears. I once was the stopper and had no need for one! LOL.
  • Kaiwyn
    Kaiwyn Posts: 11
    I find the same thing with veggies! If I cut up the whole bag of carrots right away and have it in tupperware in the fridge, they get eaten- not just by me, but by my fiance and daughter too! If I leave them in the bag, they go all wobbly and gross before they get eaten. Celery, cucumber, bell peppers, they all get cut up and portioned out for snacking :)
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Good post! and so true. I am making time to go to the local farmer's market and I buy smaller quanities but more variety so I'm not getting bored eating the same thing every day. Today is mango, tomorrow is pineapple, and if I have leftovers I'll cut them all up and make a fruit salsa or salad. Tip- if they start to turn (fuzzy) before you are ready to eat them, wash and freeze to preserve for a different day.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I find the same thing with veggies! If I cut up the whole bag of carrots right away and have it in tupperware in the fridge, they get eaten- not just by me, but by my fiance and daughter too! If I leave them in the bag, they go all wobbly and gross before they get eaten. Celery, cucumber, bell peppers, they all get cut up and portioned out for snacking :)

    This is a good tip! Last time I went into my cupboard for my bag of carrots, they were in a disgusting puddle of goo! I'd be much more likely to snack on them if they were chopped up in the fridge. (with houmous, mmm)
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