workout tips for injured ankle

Hi all,

I have started running 3 weeks ago and the 30DS last week.
It seems like I have overdone it a bit, as my ankle keeps being in pain on and off since last Friday.
Listening to all the good advise here I have taken it slow over the weekend, put lots of ice on and had it elevated.
I did even skip my routine and went swimming instead, which was not ideal either.

This morning it was a bit better so I thought I give running a try, which was fine during the workout. But now it is quite painfull again. So I guess I have to give it a rest to see, if it is something more serious or just overworked.
However, I am afraid, that I will lose the good motivation I have gathered, if I now stop working out. On top I although struggle staying in my calorie goals on the days, that I have too much time on my hand.
Hence I am looking for some ideas, what cardio I could do that does give my ankle some rest, but gets me going...

Any tips are welcome!


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
  • 5kInflatable
    5kInflatable Posts: 2 Member
    After watching many episodes of The Biggest Loser, anyone with ankle or leg injuries usually did boxing (more upper body workouts). At a vigorous rate, you should be able to get your heart rate up.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I have plantar fasciitis so running and walking about a lot hurts me - have you tried just using a stationary bike? That seems to work for me as there is very little pressure on my foot though without knowing where the pain actually is it's a bit hard to recommend stuff. Have you tried a gym ball? There are sit ups, push ups and lots of things you can do with that. It might not be too bad to give the cardio a rest for a week or so whilst you heal, you'll still be feeling the benefits of the toning exercising and it might make you stronger? Just make sure you're careful with your food and you should be fine :)

    I wish you a speedy recovery though! With my foot and this horrible calf cramp I seem to have going on, I totally feel your pain about not being able to exercise properly!
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    have been there...ALOT! my ankles and knees are horrible. that big silver ball workout is good actually.....exclude the stuff that stresses the ankle alot. try the elliptical before a full run workout. i used to have these band exercises i workouted with while rehabbing my ankle....i think u can find them at a sporting goods places
  • Maddy__H
    Maddy__H Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all, thanks for the good ideas!
    Tried the 30ds today without leg movement - so only punshes for cardio. Worked alright and gave my upper body a good workout.
    Think I will stay with it for the next few days and than hopefully get back to running!