3 Meals a day??



  • LavishLife_CEO

    "Actually I had a friend who changed nothing in her diet but made a rule that she wouldn't eat anything after 6:30 pm. She ended up losing almost 15 lbs in about 6 weeks just with that change ALONE. I have also heard similar stories. It makes sense... if you eat then go to bed, your food baby just lies there, no gravity to pull it down your digestive system. (yeah maybe my last sentence doesn't make much sense... but I have seen the proof in the pudding!!!)"

    That Makes alot of sense... I've literally woken up 2 pounds lighter almost anytime I have a good day followed by not eating after 6... It just works.. Plus stepping on that scale in the morning feels great when U know ur stomach is empty from the night before.. Not just mentally, but I physically feel better when i dont eat late in the morning
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    @Tate.. Hmm the only thing about that is, if you eat late whatever you eat kinda get prcoessed as Fat and your not active so ur body stores almost all that as Fat... but i definetly agree, what it all boils down to is burning more calories than ur taking in..

    It's just not that simple. Your body is constantly storing and using energy. Some energy is stored as fat to be accessed later on, and some is stored in the muscles for immediate use. The energy stored in the muscles is stored as muscle glycogen. Your body will use glycogen to move around untill it runs out, then it will skip to fat. The fat has to be processed by the body to be used for energy, which makes it less efficient than glycogen.

    If you take in maintenance calories, then you will be constantly depleting and replenishing muscle glycogen. Your body fat stores won't be touched, essentially. If you take in more calories than your body can readily use, it will store the extra energy in your fat cells, because there is an absolute limit to how much glycogen our muscles can store. If you take in LESS, however, eventually you WILL run out of muscle glycogen and your body will start processing fat into energy. Remember, every second you use energy. That's just the nature of being warm blooded, which is why we need to eat atleast every couple days, and lizards and alligators can go 6 months between feedings. This is why at some point, if you run a deficit, you will inevitably use atleast a little fat as energy.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    When you eat has VERY little to do with how your body processes calories. I skipped breakfast this morning. . .wasn't hungry. The studies have shown over and over that all the crap about not eating late or eating throughout the day is really just that; crap. The french traditionally eat very late each night, and it's usually carb heavy, but they are much less overweight as a nation than we are. MUCH less.

    Stay failry close to the right deficit, stay active, and get all three macro's in your diet. Done and done.

    Actually I had a friend who changed nothing in her diet but made a rule that she wouldn't eat anything after 6:30 pm. She ended up losing almost 15 lbs in about 6 weeks just with that change ALONE. I have also heard similar stories. It makes sense... if you eat then go to bed, your food baby just lies there, no gravity to pull it down your digestive system. (yeah maybe my last sentence doesn't make much sense... but I have seen the proof in the pudding!!!)

    Your friend ran a caloric deficit and lost weight. Simple as that. If you eat the same amount the rest of the day, but don't eat in a certain period of time, you'll be eating less. It has nothing to do with when your friend eats. I did the same thing with intermittent fasting for a while, not eating three days a week until after work. Yup, no breakfast, no lunch. The rest of the time I ate maintenance calories, but each week I had a 3500 calorie deficit. I lost almost exactly 1 lb. every single week.

    And are you really saying that our digestive systems NEED GRAVITY?! Most animals on this earth have digestive systems that move level with the ground. Do you think a dog or cat can't digest food without walking around on their hind legs? There you go. . .logic wins again. Your digestive system is lined with involuntary muscles that contract in such a way to move food along, no matter how your body is oriented.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Word. Second that...
    The studies have shown over and over that all the crap about not eating late or eating throughout the day is really just that; crap
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I just realized I forgot to tell you about the big salad I make with the chicken, that I add either some part skim mozzerella cheese or a little sharp...adds a great bit of flavor : )
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "All" the experts do not say more meals is better. There is really only way to lose weight, and that is to burn more than you consume. Tricks such as more small meals, less big meals, don't eat late, do eat early are all very good if they work for you on an individual basis. You may have to play around with your eating schedule until you find something that works for you.