For people with less than 10 lbs to lose and are around 5'3"



  • I hear you about the plateau! Im 5'3 and down to my last 7-10 popunds! I've been stuck for the last close to three months....and I have tried everything from zig zagging calories, upping my calories to maintanence, eating my BMR calories, lowering my calories to shock my system, upping my exercise, lowering my exercise, eating back my exercise calories, eating back some and name it lol.

    Right now, I set my goal back to my basal metabolic rate and currently exercise six days a week, five days a week of going for an hour hike in the morning, three days a week of strength training. On the days I exercise I eat 1600 calories total, usually this works out to about half my exercise calories.

    I figure something is bound to break the plateau eventually!
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    yay scale moved! although a little early to say, Im just happy that it moved a little bit after a 3 week halt! I will keep zig zagging and eatin maintenance or close to it for at least 1-2 days a week. I think my body just needs a break. Ive been on a calorie deficit for about 3 months now.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Earmarked for later when I have time to post :smile:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Ok I was waiting til I weighed in before I posted on this today :)

    I am 5ft 3.5 and I started my weightloss using MFP exactly 8 weeks ago!

    To begin with my cal goal was relatively high- around 1450, then I moved it down to 1280 in the last 2 or 3 weeks to give myself a boost. I have just literally today changed my goal to 1335 so it now says 0.9 lb a week loss instead of 1lb as I figured that I don't want my body getting too used to eating so few calories in case I plateaued.

    I exercise about 4 times a week - usually Body Pump twice (to get my strength training in- I am useless without someone yelling at me!) and cardio twice usually running and swimming.

    I have lost 10lb so am over half way to my final goal- it has been hard though I get hungry all the time. I have pretty much cut out bread, pasta and white rice but definitely not all carbs. I still eat plenty of fruit I couldn't live without it- and I still have bread/pasta maybe once a week max. I also have potatoes about once a week (trying to eat sweet potatoes now instead though).

    Just have to wait and see what the next few weeks bring really- although I am expecting it to slow down at some point.

    Oh yeh- and sometimes I eat back all of my exercise calories, sometimes I don't- all depends on how I feel and what I have planned. Sometimes I will deliberately exercise loads so I can go out and have a big meal that night. Also if I am under my goal one day I will go over it slightly the next.