Insanity Fit Test results... Week 1

Ok, fit test results!

Switch Kicks-- 100
Power Jacks-- 50
Power Knees-- 75
Power Jumps-- 28
Globe Jumps-- 9
Suicide Jumps-- 12
Push-up Jacks-- 20
Low Plank Oblique-- 40

I'm gonna love this!

If anyone wants to share their numbers or is starting today also, let me know! I can't wait to do this program and I'd love some buddies to follow along! Good luck to you all!


  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    WOW those are outstanding numbers.... keep up the great work!
  • allimac09
    allimac09 Posts: 33
    Also... Without a heart rate monitor, I am logging it as calisthenics. If anyone knows if this is a good way to do it, or if there is a better way-- let me know!