New to the site and trying to shed the baby weight.

I recently had a baby (well in November) and I am trying to lose the weight. I gained 90lbs this time, and I really want to shed it all. looking for support and good recipe ideas, Good Luck to all.


  • crcoia
    crcoia Posts: 6
    I am also trying to lose my baby weight! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. We might be able to encourage each other!
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Feel free to add me too if you like! I had my last baby 9 weeks ago and am trying to lose the baby weight plus the 85 pounds I needed to lose before the baby weight!

  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had my baby december 9th and gained 40lbd but still had weight from 1st baby to lose!!! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    I am also looking to lose baby weight! I had my first baby March 25th 2011 via C-section; she was 8lbs 3oz and is now 11weeks old. I gained over 60lbs!! I have currently lost 48lbs and my goal is to lose about 40 more lbs to be under 150lbs by the time she turns 6 months old in September.

    Everyone can add me, its nice to have support and I am new to this site :bigsmile:
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    If you all don't mind, I may add you as friends too, we can lose the baby weight together!

  • rhapsody527
    I am trying to loose the baby weight too. I had my daughter in February. Feel free to add me!
  • hello_kyla
    I'm trying to loose the baby weight too (about 30 left--was 50). Good luck!
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I highly recommend Dustin Maher's Fit moms for Life Dvds.. he also has Babytone and Moma tone..Google him..I had my boys 19 years ago..and it's still working for me..Good luck!
  • kriswillis333
    I just had a baby jan 20th I actually did not gain much at all w him cause I knew I was already over weight. I was pre pregnancy weight after jaxon was a week old. I gained a lot with my other son who is now 6. I'm 4'10 so I "should" weigh 98 to 101 lbs. Yea not gonna happen lol. I started my strict diet 38 days ago but joined fitness pal 23 days ago! I love it, I have lost 14 so far & weigh in every Thursday. My starting weight was 209. I wanna lose cat least 60 lbs. Nice to meet u, my name is Kristina <3
  • littleTheresa
    Hi. My name is Theresa. My oldest daughter is 4 years old and my youngest was born January 17. I'm trying to lose the weight I gained with the first child. I gained about 35 lbs with my 2nd pregnancy and I lost that weight relatively quickly...from Jan to end of March. I attribute that to breast-feeding. Now I'm losing the weight I gained with my first child. I started MFP early in April and I've lost 15.4 lbs. I have been still eating whatever I want which is mostly meat and potatoes style with no fruits and some vegetables and minimal junk food. I've been eating smaller portions and exercising more. My exercise consists of cleaning, cooking, the activity I do at work, yard work, even walking in place while cooking or when I'm loading clothes into the washer. I like to put the baby in a backpack on my back so I can get more done. I'm just trying to stay active doing something...every little bit helps. When I feel froggy, then I do some yoga or some Jillian Michaels. I look at it this way. I'm changing my lifestyle and I liken it to eating an elephant. I can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. My lifestyle will only change a little at a time. But it WILL change, God willing. I've started with smaller portions of what I already eat and go from there. All that being said, I hope some of my experience will help someone. I was 200 lbs on the day my youngest was born. I weigh on Mondays and my weight today is 160.3. I will soon be in the 150's. I haven't seen those numbers in years. I'm getting excited. Woot woot! :-)