I HATE water....help!



  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    I never drank pure water either, always juices and stuff until I was in extreme pain and found out I was in the process of passing a kidney stone ( I never even knew I had one) it was so painful and ever since then I bought a water bottle that holds 3 cups of water at a time.. I make sure I drink 3 of those throughout the day and guess what I am starting to like water now.. anyway you need to drink it please don't wait till your kidneys act up like mine did. Luckily my CT came up clean and didn't show any other stones.. I feel the difference, I don't feel tired all the time, don't get those nagging headaches and love that my pee is clear hahaha (TMI)
  • I keep a 1 gallon jug of water at my desk and refill it each morning. Between filling up my protein shake and pre workout drinks I seem to finish it by the end of each day. Plus this really helps me stay away from diet coke! Works for me.
  • One more quick tip that might help once you've found a water (or similar product) that you like. I keep my water at room temperature unless I've just come from outside and want a cold drink. You don't feel it going down your pipe at much when at room temp, and especially in cold weather, that can make it easier to swallow.
  • a bunch of my co workers and I have been adding propel packets to water bottles. I love it, I actually crave the flavors..very refreshing! And they are not so sweet as juices , soda's. The citrus punch is the only flavor I don't like. My favorite flavors are kiwi strawberry, berry, lemon. They even have ones that have zero calories! These ones do seem to take a bit more shaking to dissolve. but the ones that have calories (propel is 20 calories per full bottle worth) dissolve super fast. Propel of any kind has no color to it, just a very slight cloudyish look to it! My best friend is like you, hates water, and she will drink water with propel in it! try it!
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 139 Member
    I don't know if this is bad advice (so if someone knows, please correct me)

    I used to hate drinking water and would only drink it if I was extremely hot. I tried crystal lite and did really like those. But now, I drink water usually only with my workout and for the rest of the day, either SOBE Lifewater (the zero cal ones) or other zero calorie "vitamin water" beverages. They got me out of my diet soda habit and got me closer to liking water. They are similar to gatorade but with more interesting flavors. Now water doesn't seem like too far of a leap from what I'm already drinking, so it isn't as bad. I can only really enjoy water if it is ICE COLD. Lemon gets to be boring for me...try things like cucumber or different fruits to make water interesting.

    Bendy straws & tiny umbrellas can make it fun too :tongue:

    Start with a glass a day and ease your way into a healthier daily ratio of diet soda to water.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Please see the attached link from Scientific American (which I think is quite reliable source). Our bodies are fully capable of getting fluid from foods including fruits and vegetables and coffee and colas despite the diuretic effect. If you're thirsty drink; which is why you drink H20 when you exercise. The body has amazing mechanisms to maintain proper fluid balance.For me, I have tried the 8 cups per day but got tired of running to the bathroom. However, I know for some that drinking water does help curb cravings and helps with satiation, so if t works for you that's great.

    Hope this helps!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    One more quick tip that might help once you've found a water (or similar product) that you like. I keep my water at room temperature unless I've just come from outside and want a cold drink. You don't feel it going down your pipe at much when at room temp, and especially in cold weather, that can make it easier to swallow.

    Omg me too. Cold water just doesn't sit well with me!! My husband calls me an old lady because I drink almost everything at room temp!!
  • i do not like the taste of tap water; i drink poland spring or disani.... i hate nestle water ugh. Not all water taste the same so try different companies. also different temps i like room temp water over cold. then there is sparkaling flavored water... i love thoes.
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of the advice!

    And for the tough love. You're right....how much do I really WANT this? It's just like adding exercise or eating fewer calories...it's a choice I need to make.

    I really do appreciate the tips and will have to look for this mio stuff you guys keep talking about!
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    oh I can't stand water either, I feel like it's a chore to drink it but I know eventually I will learn to at least like it. I burp alot alot alot with it but not when I would drink coke. I'm so backwards. lol
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I am ot big on water either unless I am very thirsty. Two things that make water a bit easier to drink are a touch of lemon/lime & having it very cold. Also, I absolutely dispise water that comes from my faucet; even if it is filtered, it still tastes lousy. We have very hard water where I live, so it always tastes "chalky". As such, I need to drink bottled water that is softened.

    One more point on the lemon; rather than buying lemons/limes, you can purchase small packets of lemon/lime juice & they really do make the water more enjoyable to drink.
    I have very hard water and hate it out of the faucet too!! I got a britta water bottle with a built in filter and it is awesome!! I also like the MIO water flavorings... they are way better than the powders =) Mind over matter girly.... set an alarm and drink a glass when it goes off!
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    I am ot big on water either unless I am very thirsty. Two things that make water a bit easier to drink are a touch of lemon/lime & having it very cold. Also, I absolutely dispise water that comes from my faucet; even if it is filtered, it still tastes lousy. We have very hard water where I live, so it always tastes "chalky". As such, I need to drink bottled water that is softened.

    One more point on the lemon; rather than buying lemons/limes, you can purchase small packets of lemon/lime juice & they really do make the water more enjoyable to drink.
    I have very hard water and hate it out of the faucet too!! I got a britta water bottle with a built in filter and it is awesome!! I also like the MIO water flavorings... they are way better than the powders =) Mind over matter girly.... set an alarm and drink a glass when it goes off!

    Set an alarm and drink when it goes off! I like this! I may need to have a goal for myself like....two glasses by 10 AM, four glasses by 1 PM, ect...
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Haha! I was one of the girls who asked you that question ;-) I started using MIO a couple weeks ago and it's great. Zero calories! I was a big juice/soda drinker before I started MFP, but then I learned that if I watched my sodium and flushed it out with water, I was losing weight a lot faster and I felt great. Try lemon juice as well.
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