is this good progress...28 lbs in 4 months?

I was really hoping to lose weight faster, I have lost 28 lbs in 4 months. I made some drastic changes right off the bat (quit drinking pop, cut out fried foods, eat mostly all natural foods) and seemed to see results quickly at first. But the last few weeks, I have only lost like .4 lbs a week on average.Though my clothes are still seeming to fit looser, especially pants. Am I gaining muscle when I work out, or what is the deal? I am going to try to do better at sticking to my calories and working out every day....though almost everyday I am under by a little bit. hope my working out more helps...kinda discouraged....


  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    I feel your pain!! I have been at this for almost 6 months and lost same as you. I log everything I eat (stay at 1200-1400 cal) and walk a minimum of 2 miles daily, most at a brisk walk. It seems the scale is stuck!! Actually, I was 1 pound heavier this morning, and very frustrated!! Been reading blogs and hope that as everyone has stated, my body will start losing again. Good luck to you!!
  • jenmac82005
    Thanks Susanpv..good luck to you too!! :smile:
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    That is great progress! Remember that you didn't gain it all that fast and it won't come off immediately.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    If you break it down to 7 lbs a month then break it down further to per week using an average of 4 1/3 weeks per month you're losing 1.6 pounds per week. That's doing great! The main thing to keep in mind is that you are losing. Losing .4 pounds per week is still a loss and it really is likely you've gained some muscle mass as well so just hang in there and keep it up!
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Don't be discouraged. You have made great progress. Averaging 1-2 lbs loss per week is really good for lasting weight loss. The slow down in your rate of loss may be a result of your body getting used to your work out routine and diet. Maybe increase the intensity of your workouts and change your distribution of proteins/carbs/fats. One other thing is to take measurements as another way to track your progress. Don't just rely on the scale. Definitely keep track of the change in your body fat %, which I feel is more meaningful than how much you weigh.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    28 pounds in 4 months is awesome, and it's healthy! Way to go!
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    i think thats great progress...dont be discouraged, its hard work and it takes time!
  • cdpysi38
    cdpysi38 Posts: 2
    You are rocking it girl! ;) Besides, loosing weight to fast is not healthy. It took me almost a year to get to where I am. Just keep going!!!! <3
  • ssalomon16
    I hope to do half as well as you are! that is amazing and you should be proud of yourself! Great job