C25K with torn ACL

Hey all,

I have had problems with my knees for the last 6 or so years and I just found out in march that my ACL is completely torn. I have never been a runner but I would like to be and after reading various post on here I really want to give C25K a try but I am worried that it will do more damage then good to me knee. I am suppose to go surgery sometime in next 12 months but I do not have a date. Is there anyone else out there that has had the same issue that can give me some advice?

Thanks everyone:)


  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    why don't you just try a slow walk and then a faster walk in place of the jog? we would love to have you join us!
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    I am having pains in the back of my knee and not sure what it is I am heading to the doc this week. Be careful dont make it worse.
  • prsop98
    prsop98 Posts: 23 Member
    Well, I actually had knee surgery 4 years ago for a torn medial meniscus. When they got inside, they noticed my ACL was completely gone as well. The meniscus was repaired, but my doctor actually said I don't need my ACL (I'm still skeptical). The only problem I have with running is the instability when my legs turn to jelly. My trainer said something about building the muscles around the knee to help with stability. I have the same worries. Am I doing more damage to other ligaments? I know this isn't advice, but I am in the same boat.
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    I had a torn ACL (playing soccer) it took 12 months to get the surgery done. While I waited I did the normal stuff like walking, ellipical and tried to build the hamstrings and quads up for I knew that once the surgery was over I wanted to have as little time down as possible. No running though... I didn't start running until 6 months after the surgery. But that was a personal choice.

    I opted for the surgery to get back to playing soccer(I do have to wear a tension brace though to be safe) and now I have run tons of 5k's,10k's, 10 miler, a Half & one Full marathon.
    So there is hope after surgery. Plus I had an amazing sports surgeon and great physio therapist to get me back into shape.

    Just be careful and ask your dr what he thinks. Take care

    Good Luck