
:smile: Hi my cousin told me about this site so that even though we are long distance we can still support each other in our struggle to overcome our weight issues. I love you Steph.:heart:


  • babiegsbabygurl
    :smile: Hi my cousin told me about this site so that even though we are long distance we can still support each other in our struggle to overcome our weight issues. I love you Steph.:heart:
  • our5cooks
    our5cooks Posts: 77 Member
    Hey cousin, I left a comment on your profile! You can do this, we can do this together!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Journal
  • Christyla
    Hi i'm new, heard about this place from WW stuff i get in my email....anyway im trying to lose the weight for health reason hope this will help me and everyone else out too. i live in Paragould Arkanasas mom of 3 wonderful children, one boy in college and 2 girls still at home, married for 19 yrs now oh yea and i'm 36
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Welcome to MFP & best wishes for a healthier you! You''ll love it here!:flowerforyou:
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Welcome!!!! This site is such a motivator!!!! I hope you go far!!!!!!