Always Hungry



  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    i highly recommend not doing slimfast. i had a trainer/nutrioniest say they can be the worst ones there... But the myoplex light ones are ok and taste better, have more nutrients and aren't loaded with cals. What i like to do is get the powder form, put it in my blender mix some benefiber and flax seed in it for fiber intake. Then you can also add fruit, or whatever else in there to beef it up some if you want. They're tasty you can make them as thick or as thin as you want and you can put them in a bottle and take them with you to drink. Oh and they have a good amount of protien... So that would be my breakfast suggestion.
  • lilhottstuff88
    lilhottstuff88 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm just not usually awake for breakfast thats the problem I'm only up for breakfast wednesday thru friday cuz of work and my days off I sleep usually past 12