How often should you weigh yourself?



  • sesecat
    sesecat Posts: 124 Member
    I only do Saturday mornings now. I find myself obsessing about the needle on the scale rather than my healthy behaviors. My scale now resides in the closet so I'm not tempted, and I will only retrieve it on Saturday mornings.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Every morning, naked, after voiding & before eating. If I forget or break the routine, no big deal. I only record the lowest weight of the week.

    Having only one weigh in day puts a >lot< of pressure on what is essentially just a "snapshot" of fluctuations. You may have had more sodium the day before or your muscles could be retaining water from a heavy duty workout etc. One "bad" weigh in could make you feel awful for the whole week, freak out about a plateau when there isn't one, etc. You may subconsciously dehydrate or under-eat the day before your weigh-in day just to get a good result and then you set yourself up to have to do it again the following week, etc.