Staying on track all week?

oldbooh Posts: 15
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone have any suggestions on how to stay on track all week? I'm great about exercise and eating right early in the week, but come Thursday all bets are off. It's not a matter of planning because I plan all my meals at the beginning of each week. How do you keep the motivation going throughout the week? I've been unsuccessful so far in my weight loss and I think this is the primary reason.

Any tips would be appreciated.


  • Hi..

    I tend to keep on track Sunday through to Friday and have a day off on Saturday. I have a young family and we tend to spend Saturdays as family time which generally involves eating lunch or dinner out and visiting local events so I don't always have access to healthier options food wise.

    This gives me something to look forward to and stops me from feeling guilty. As for exercise, we have a couple of dogs who need walked every evening so I do at least 20 mins exercise every day with them, housework (which I do a couple of evenings a week) is also a great workout. I also do zumba 3 times a week (or at least try to) I go to a class once a week and do the Wii zumba the other 2 times...

    I love this exercise and I recommend that you find an exercise you enjoy.. be it cycling, walking, skipping rope, swimming... that will keep you interested that way you are less likely to get bored with it and side tracked.

    Good luck, don't deny yourself the odd treat and don't be hard on yourself for being a normal human being and wanting to slob out once in a while.

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    My suggestion is to "tweak" your meals just a little to be more fun-type food! Or going out to lunch (pre-planned- of course!). If you know Thursday is the weak day; then get yourself through the hump by planning something that you normally don't eat. Make it your "new recipe" day!

    Once you get through the that first Thursday, it will be easier the next Thursday and you'll be motivated to stay on track for the weekend!!

    Good Luck. Keep us posted on HOW you do it! I know you can!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I don't think you should break days up, and by that I mean, don't think of a week, or if you do think of it as 7 days and not starting on monday, tuesday, wednesday etc, so many people have this week and weekend mentality. Take every day 1 day at a time. Stay focused and if you go off track the sooner you get back on it the better.

    Also try not to focus on negatives too much, so if you have eaten something you wish you hadn't, just think about how you can do it better next time and learn from your experiences, don't beat yourself up and be too hard on yourself, try to use a blog or get a list going with all the positive things you are achieving and the things which make you feel good about yourself and keep looking back on them because you will motivate yourself with your own successes no matter how small they might be!!

    Look at peoples pages and send some friends requests out, the support on here is amazing and I think when you have other people in the same situation all striving for the same thing, that can help you too, you will be spurred on by their successes and when you log in and see other people burning and exercising it will make you want to do it too!

    You *can* do it!!!!
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
    if you know you are going to eat out try and limit your foods early in the day so that you can allow for the dodgy foor and it still falls within your calorie limit.

    If I know I am goign out to eat or a takeout I try and excercise that morning to allow for extra calories and eat low calorie foods before and after...

    Its not supposed to be about depriving yourself of everythign you like and ruining your social life. I believe that by enjoying what you want at the weekends and trying to stay near your calorie limit may take a little longer to reach your goal but if you had a strict outlook you would be most likely to give up and pack it in...

    Try and make healthy options when it comes to take out and dining out. I always try to make the healthiest/lowest calorie option and then I am still enjoying dining out and having a life...
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    How are you doing so far this weekend!? Let us know!! :)
  • iamkib
    iamkib Posts: 4 Member
    I have a bit of a different twist on "staying on track". I'm great M-F for breakfast and while I'm at work. It's the evenings that I have a hard time with. Even if I eat dinner at the office before I head home, I still want to eat again when I get home. And then, all I want are snacks. I don't feel like cooking and sitting down to a healthy meal.
  • pattycake118
    pattycake118 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm often good for a few days and then get way off track. When I'm on track though, my habits are to pre-log my foods (whether its first thing in the morning or just before eating) so that I know how much wiggle room I'll have during the day.

    Other things that help are to have a bowl of fruit on the counter, and apple and granola bar in my purse, and gum/ mint tic tac within reach of my usual seats (desk, couch, purse, coat pocket, etc),
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    when I plan to go off track like Red Robin or something I make the healthiest of choices possible. like fruit instead of fries. also I bust my *kitten* with cardio and weights the day before and after.
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