
i miss my friend and it is making it hard to loss withs i had more people i could talk to that like me for me weather i am fat skinny or what ever


  • gingerball
    It is too bad that people judge others by how they look on the outside. I wish more people would look at the good on the inside before they judge. True friends will love you no matter how you look. I will add you as a friend and we can support one another.
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    thank you i have some friends but idk if they r true or not but thanks again for your kind words
  • Needthisforme
    I am not sure where you live but I live in NY and I would love to be your friend any time any where!

    You can call email what ever your need may be.

  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    thanks i live in maine i would love to have you as a friend i am a realy good pen pal if you would like we could do that i also have face book