Why do my toes hurt when I run?



  • Incorrect shoes for your running gait or incorrect lace tying or the laces are tied too tight or bad sizing, feet swell during day and as you run
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Agree that's it may be your shoes...most folks need to go up about a size in running shoes...my friend lost 6 toenails while training for a marathon before she went to an actual running store to get sized...she thought it was part of the "cost" of being a marathon runner...it isn't!
  • Dellie22
    Dellie22 Posts: 167
    I found out recently that my toes naturally curl which was putting extra strain on them . If that's not your problem, then it's more than likely just your shoes are slighty too small .
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Question - are your calves tight - like really, really tight all the time? If yes, go see a physio and then perhaps a doctor.

    I used to get the worst feeling in my feet, like someone had set my toes on fire when I walked more than 200-300m. The pins and needles were so bad I wondered if my toes were still attached.

    I have compartment sydnrome - after lots of tests Ive been referred to a surgeon. Its rare, so chances are you all wont have it - and for most of you, its probably just shoes.... but... With compartment syndrome your nerves can become so damaged you can lose feeling in your feet due to the lack of blood flow and do real damage. Id recommend getting checked out. There is heaps more to the story, but I wish I had learnt what the problem was 5 years earlier rather than spend sooooo much money on shoes all the time! (like every 6-8 weeks) not to mention the pain.

    PS - although I still have the problem - after dropping 15kgs and getting regular exercise - its rare I get it now, and the surgeon is happy with my progress hes agreed to defer the surgery for another 12 months to see how I go!
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    I too get this if I tighten my laces too much, it stops once they slacken up a bit from the running. If it doesn't I just loosen then and it goes pretty quickly.
  • Question - are your calves tight - like really, really tight all the time? If yes, go see a physio and then perhaps a doctor.

    I used to get the worst feeling in my feet, like someone had set my toes on fire when I walked more than 200-300m. The pins and needles were so bad I wondered if my toes were still attached.

    I have compartment sydnrome - after lots of tests Ive been referred to a surgeon. Its rare, so chances are you all wont have it - and for most of you, its probably just shoes.... but... With compartment syndrome your nerves can become so damaged you can lose feeling in your feet due to the lack of blood flow and do real damage. Id recommend getting checked out. There is heaps more to the story, but I wish I had learnt what the problem was 5 years earlier rather than spend sooooo much money on shoes all the time! (like every 6-8 weeks) not to mention the pain.

    PS - although I still have the problem - after dropping 15kgs and getting regular exercise - its rare I get it now, and the surgeon is happy with my progress hes agreed to defer the surgery for another 12 months to see how I go!

    My husband (who is 6ft2 and 74kgs) Has the same problem. It runs in his family and his mother, brother, two cousins and aunt all suffer with it. They're all very thin so it's definatly not weight related. It's worth having it checked if you get no joy from loosening shoe laces and going up a shoe size.
  • Hi I've read about this. You need to drink 2000 mg flaxseed oil a day. (2 pills) It 'll help you, it happens to those who excersise extremely, just keep aneye out if you get a black spot or your toe becomes black or blue, you need to drink 6 omega 3/6 pills a day. It happened to an athelete who was use to doing rollerblading.
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