Any Gluten Free People out there?

dedicated649132 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I suspect I have some gluten intolerance, but have yet to take the full plunge and try an elimination diet to verify this. Is there anyone else on MFP who does gluten free? I'm looking to share tips, information, support.

- SD


  • bfalc
    bfalc Posts: 5
    Hi, I have Celiac Disease which leads me to a gluten free diet. I have a weight gaining problem though, due to a slow digesting, sensitive stomach it is hard to eat a lot. I do have some words of encouragement though, MANY (mainly ALL) of my friends who are on a gluten free diet have started to lose weight. I, on the other hand, have gained weight. I use to weight 85 - 90 lbs all throughout highschool and college until I figured out I was gluten free. I have gained 15 pounds since going on the gluten free diet and hope to gain at least 20 more pounds. Moral of the story, your body is not absorbing the right vitamins which could make it hard for you to lose weight. I think you should really take the full plunge and eliminate all gluten. It takes about 3-5 months for your body to fully rid of gluten so it may be awhile until you see the results. I noticed a change right away, but if you only have some gluten intolerance it may take a little longer. If you do decide to take the plunge I will happily tell you any misleading ingredients and foods to look out for! Goodluck!


    *All information based on information provided to me from doctors about celiac disease and my body*
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I don't buy "gluten free" products but I'm adhering to a low carb/Atkins/Paleo/Primal lifestyle so I do avoid all grains. I'm not sure if I have any intolerance or not... guessing I probably don't. But I just do much better functioning with vegetable carbs instead of starchy carbs & processed carbs.
  • ebilharz
    ebilharz Posts: 20
    I am gluten free! It can definitely be frustrating when you can't eat a specific food or inevitably get cross-contaminated every now and then, but I am SO SO grateful for the way it has changed my nutrition! I am also grain- and dairy- and meat- free due to the damage done by celiac disease to my stomach, and I am still in the process of healing. But I have traded all that for a HEALTHY immune system (I constantly had bouts of pneumonia/sinus infections/mono) and great energy. If you suspect you have gluten intolerance, try the diet and keep in mind that there are lots of hidden sources of gluten like processed flavorings that may be the source of frustration. Stick to a clean diet with lots of veggies, fruits, and lean proteins, and avoid the expensive flours or gluten-free substitutes (they have lots of calories and not much nutritional value) unless you have a super craving or a special event :). On top of that, I would suggest a probiotic and digestive enzymes for meals to help facilitate digestive healing.
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