New Here

Hi everyone, I am new here. I am a 31 year old mommy looking to lose about 50 pounds. I have (like most everyone) tried to lose weight so many times I cant count them. I gave birth to my younges in October of 2010 and am now motivated to show my boys how to live an active life. Looking for friendssmile:

I dont really have any plan yet, I would like to start watching my portions more and incorporating exercise. I walk a couple times a week now. I have always wanted to run. I have never been able to, but I was thinking of maybe making a goal of a 5K next fall. Does that seem too soon?

Excited to get some input.


  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to MFP. I've been here 6 days and I love it! If you are interested in a 5K you should look up the Couch 25K program. It si a 9 week program that ends in completing a 5K. I am going to try it this week and I have never been a runner. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Nice to have you here. I am with you. I am a mom who needs to lost 75 pounds after having my daughter in September 09. Good luck!
  • Bulldogmama1
    Bulldogmama1 Posts: 5 Member
    I have actually looked into that program before, but never got off the couch to actually do it. I am going to print the info off again. Thanks for the reminder!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Those sound like good goals. As mentioned above, the C25K program is great! It really does work. My family did it last year and we're still running a year later. My kiddos are older (from 23 to 14) and I wish I'd started living a more healthy lifestyle when they were little! Over the past 2 years I've lost over 60 pounds and still have a little to go.

  • Brownaiey
    Brownaiey Posts: 5
    Hello, Everyone I am a 45 year old mother and grandmother motivated to keep up with the grandkids, I decided it was time for me to make a drastic change in my life at some point before I reached 50 and now is a good time to exercise those rights! I work out 5 days a wk for an hr a day of either tennis, walking, exercising, bike riding, dancing or Wii activities, I feel brand new, never had this much energy in yrs I enjoy outdoors and fun with the grandkids. I love this site it helps me to controll my irregular eating habits burning calories and not replenishing to meet my daily intake goals, I think I,ve been starving myself eating once a day and not giving my metabolism anything to eat but the fat I stored of the years no wonder it was so sloooooooooooooow. I will be walking/running in a 5K in July I am so excited this will be a first for me!
  • marilou32
    marilou32 Posts: 19
    Hey there! Welcome! I've also tried so many different ways to try to lose weight and so far, MFP is the easiest thing for me. I've tried calorie counting when I was 16 but it definitely wasn't this fun and motivating. I am 33 and about 4 weeks into this. Every week I learn something new about portion control, calorie counting and snack & meal ideas. I'm not an avid runner but I really got into running this year and did my very first 5K back in March. I sort of just plunged right into it and now I'm hooked. I want to do another 5K after the summer so I just try to get better at my running. You can totally do it...if you really work at it each week, all summer long, you'll be ready this fall to try one. Planning is also key with I said, each week I learned something new and each week I am switching out new snacks & meals to fit into my calorie range. It really did help me to plan my meals, snacks, and work-outs for the makes it so much easier to follow and by the end of the week, you can't wait to see your progress. I'm excited for ya! You got this!