Help I need a kick in the BLEEP!

hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
Hey MFP friends. I need some encouragement today if you can give it. Things have been rough at home lately. We've had two deaths in the family in one month; I'm just sooooo tired that I'm having a hard time motivating myself to workout. plus I hurt my wrist which is not helping me with working out either. I've worked so hard to lose what I have and I don't want to fall back on bad habits; like smoking I worked really hard on kicking that nasty habit and I'm starting to pick the stupid thing up again. So please someone kick me in the online butt.


  • dominionite
    dominionite Posts: 20 Member
    Kick! Kick! Kick! If you've hurt your wrist, use your legs and do a few kicks. My sympathies for your hard times, but when i'm feeling like i can not do that workout, i do it and talk to myself while i do it... actually, sort of like a game, in a drill sergent sing-song i declare what i'm doing and why and try to make a rhyme out of it... " one two three four, pick those feet up off the floor" or "move that body, kick that *ss, get out side and smell the grass"... it sounds silly, but i start thinking of what words rhyme with what and suddenly i've forgotten the time an the 15 mins on the bike that i've promised myself have suddenly become 40 :) Good luck!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Are you struggling with diet? If so...plan your meals so there's no temptation. Are you struggling with working out? Then set a time to do your workout and stick to it. Just DO it.

    My blog today was about this. Feel free to check it out.
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    Just go for a walk! It will help clear your head and let you think about what all has been going on lately (or dont think about it, your choice). It will give you some exercise versus sitting at home. plus dont take the cigarettes. so that another 30 minutes you cannot even look at them and let them tempt you. Hope this helps!
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Here's your kick, and a reminder from your profile of why you are here:

    My Inspirations

    * Future Baby

    Don't forget the end goals! My condolences for your losses, and that takes time to heal. Getting a good workout and sticking to the healthy eating will help you feel better about yourself. After you are done reading this, go flush the cigs, and start fresh!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Kick from here as well. Sorry to hear about all the struggle in your life. Realize the tiredness is likely emotional and that sort of tiredness is helped by activity. Get going and you will feel more energetic.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    *kick* for motivation, keep moving, keep focus.

    *hugs* sorry to hear about your loss
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I'm sorry about your losses.

    You could read some positive/motivational weight loss quotes and look at the many people on here who have lost a significant amount of weight. Don't make any excuses and just get you butt up and EXERCISE & EAT RIGHT!! : ]

    There are several methods to exercise, but out of all walking is the most simple and easiest exercise which can be performed by all ages and you don't need any special equipment. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Good luck to you! : ]
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Wow. I could have written this myself today. Except for the deaths in the family. However, I know exactly how you feel. I lost my dad and it still (three years later) makes things hard sometimes. Like finding the motivation you need. Which is also hard for me to find a lot of the time.

    Your post has actually made me realize today that I am not alone. Things happen. Stress happens. And I am not the only one who finds it hard to get motivated.
    I had a weigh in recently that really upset me and it has affected the way I feel towards working out. Even though I really tried not to let it. I know when I do work out I will feel better. But it's so hard to just do it. But that is exactly what I am going to do....JUST DO IT!!!

    You should think of it as your lifestyle and no matter what is going on around you, you have to stick with it.
    It's sucks being sad, believe me I know. But working out can't make things worse. It will probably make you feel better.
    Use your emotions to help you workout and to push you. Get your frustrations, anger, sadness, etc. out!

    I hope this has helped if even a little. I'll be thinking of you when I work out today. :) I REALLY don't want to. I am SO exhausted and feeling down. Just want to lay down and watch a movie. But I know that if I still want the future I envisioned, I can't do that. And I know how I will feel if I don't do it. Just more miserable.

    Feel free to add me if you want. :) Take care.
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you all for your condolences and your kicks in the butt! The cigs are hard, but at least they make me feel like crap so I don't want to smoke them...ugh nasty smelling things make me feel sick to my stomach and gives me bad headaches. So that's a great deterrent(sp?).

    I've made myself the promise to get at least 30 minutes in no matter...even if it's just going for a walk. My wrist is feeling better I just need to be careful with it and by next week I'll be able to do all my crazy Insanity push ups and stuff.

    The bad thing for me when I get depressed is going to comfort foods or not really eating at all. I lose my appetite when I get down which can be just as bad.

    I'm just going to keep on keeping on. Maybe absent for a few days though because I won't really be near a computer. Again thank you all it means a lot that you replied. :)
