Young Working Women (career, not corner)

Ladies! So, I'm 25, out of college for 3 years, full time and THEN SOME job. No kids, no pets even. Just me. I want to lose about 15 more pounds. I'm pretty average. Not overweight to the point where it's dropping off quickly. I eat right (95% of the time) and enjoy trying to new workouts and challenges. No, this is not a personal add. This is more to see if there is an interest for people JUST LIKE ME to start a motivational group and hold each other accountable. If not, no big, but I feel like there just might be! :)


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey there! Well, I am 23 - out of college. I work 30 hours a week + graduate school.. so I am totally there with you. I have about 15 lbs left to lose (on and off) or about 9% BF to lose.

    Would be interested in another support group. :smile:
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    Just dropping in to say your thread title made me laugh :)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Wow! I am basically in the exact same boat! Except I do have 1/3 of a cat (shared with my roommates). But yes, I am 22 - 23 on the 4th of July - and I graduated college in December. I now work full-time as a communications coordinator for a non-profit organization. I have lost 11 pounds so far and am looking to lose probably around 15 more. I am pretty active. I love in Colorado (originally from CT, came out here for school), so there is lots to do outside. I would love to create a little network of people who are, again, just like me. This is great! I am sending you a friend request :)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Hi! I'm 24, I work (intern) about 30+ hours during the week, and am in law school. I have 2 cats, lol.
    I'm in DC for school, and joined my gym at the beginning of this year (2011, not the school year), after realizing that law school stress was showing on my waistline (and other places, lol).
    So far I'm down 35 pounds, with 25ish more to go, so it can be done!!!
  • danellajade
    26yrs, work full time (flight attendant), study full time (natural medicine), 4 cats (i know, a little excessive) and I've got about 10lbs to loose (its not much, I know, but still seems hard) so im not JUST LIKE YOU but close i guess, anyway I liked the title of your post :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Yay!!! I knew there had to be people like me! Not to say I don't enjoy my other support groups, but i just didn't have anything in common with them other than losing weight.

    I will not hold having pets against any of you! LOL. I love dogs, and tried one out for like 2 weeks. Yeah, I can't really handle having to take of anything or anyone but myself. Luckily, he was a foster dog, so I was able to give him back.

    I'm thinking of check-ins, tips, recipes, new ideas and weekly challenges and really anything else you want to talk about.

    Also- I don't believe in cutting out beer. At all, so don't feel bad!
  • CoSunshine410
    CoSunshine410 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, that sounds just like me too! I'm 25 and live in Colorado as well :). I would like to get in better shape, even though I am fairly active. I am currently training for my first triathlon, which has certainly been a daunting task. I work for a healthcare organization in their cancer services department so as you can imagine, getting healthy is a priority to me. I am looking to lose about 15 lbs as well so it sounds like we all have close to the same goal! I am adding you as a friend too!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I'm definitely in, osucristina, I've already sent you a request, but others on the thread feel free to add me! 26, work full time in HR, no pets but a boyfriend who sometimes feels like I have a child, currently 143 lookin to lose 7 or 8 but mainly just be healthier and stop being so effing lazy. that's about it!
  • dervlaland
    dervlaland Posts: 19
    This sounds good to me, im in a full time post grad 45+ a week. Basically a full time job!! Feel free to add me :) Have about 10lbs to loose.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Totally in! I'm 24, out of school for 2 years or so and work in consulting. I usually travel a LOT but have been on a local project for a while. Would like to lose another 10-15lbs!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I would LOVE to do a triathlon! I want to start with a sprint tri- but the swimming... it gets me. It's exhausting!
    I've ran a half marathon, and after that is when I stopped working out and eating whatever I wanted because I was tired and needed a break!

    Welcome everyone!! Maybe we should start with some names? Ooo names and name the famous persons body you would want!

    I'm Cristina. (go figure haha) and beyonce all the way!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey Cristina! I am Stephanie.. and I am not sure I'd want to look like a celeb, but I'd love to look like this crossfit girl - :tongue:
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    My name is Charlotte. I don't really know who has my "dream" body...basically someone who is NOT super skinny, but have some curves, because I know can't get rid of mine :) (nor do I want to). But I would be super happy to have the body I had in high school when I played soccer for three hours every day.

    This is cool! I'm excited to use this group!
  • CoSunshine410
    CoSunshine410 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Kaitlyn.

    Cristina, that is awesome that you ran a ½ Marathon. I’m NOT a runner, but I am working on it. That’s one of the reasons why I chose to do a Tri. I like variety. Has anyone else ran a Marathon? Or hopes to?

    I would really like to look like Blake Lively, but I would also have to grow about 5 inches so that's not very realistic. Ideally, I just want to look healthy and toned. Like Charlotte, said- NOT super skinny.

    I am so looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Hey All, go figure this fits me to the t! Anyways my name is amber and I'm 25 and work for a healthcare company which requires me to travel 40% of the time, which makes staying on track quite difficult! Looking to loose 10-15 lbs and could sure use the motivation to get me where I want to be which is to look like any Victoria's Secret model ( so cliche I know, but hey a girl can dream!)

    Look forward to using this group! :)
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    How is everyone doing today? I hope you get a workout in (unless it's your rest day) and eat well! :smile:
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Yay! This was exactly what I was looking for :) My name is Keshia and I've been out of school for 2 years now. Right after undergrad, I moved to Louisiana to teach. Though I adore the South, I fell in love with the food a bit too much! In about a month, I'm starting a new chapter of my life on the East coast. I would LOVE some accountability while on this mission to a healthier lifestyle. I'm totally in for challenges and encouragement!

    feel free to friend me :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Yay! This was exactly what I was looking for :) My name is Keshia and I've been out of school for 2 years now. Right after undergrad, I moved to Louisiana to teach. Though I adore the South, I fell in love with the food a bit too much! In about a month, I'm starting a new chapter of my life on the East coast. I would LOVE some accountability while on this mission to a healthier lifestyle. I'm totally in for challenges and encouragement!

    feel free to friend me :)

    Ohhhh I feel your pain! My sister lived in Atlanta, and a couple of my good friends do as well. I can eat fried chicken, mac n cheese and broccoli and cheese casserole ALL DAY. And don't get me started on chicken and waffles and sweet cornbread! My mouth is watering now lol. Congrats on moving to the East Coast! Nothing like starting a new chapter to start EVERYTHING new!! :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Alright ladies- tell me what you think about this as far as "weigh-ins" go.
    I'm thinking at the beginning of each week (starting Monday the 20th), I will post a new workout challenge for us all to accomplish (or at least try) together! As well as a healthy food challenge!
    Then, we will weigh-in (such a nasty word, someone come up with something else) every TWO, that's right TWO weeks. I am tired of weighing in every week and seeing a small loss. Plus, I am not really a firm believer in the scale anyway, and never used it so much until I joined MFP. I think 2 weeks is enough time to recover from a week of slip-ups, and still see a change!

  • danellajade
    Sounds good
    Im Danella
    Body inspiration Miranda Kerr, I think thats a given though if you look at my profile pic :) And I think it could be achievable, Im the same height as her.