Sweet tooth alert!



  • Sly77
    Sly77 Posts: 21
    I also find that raiding cupboards/the freezer late at night for sweet things was a very common pattern. The worst is if I'm downstairs at night after my partner has gone to bed, when I just overeat terribly and addictively. Reading Gillian Riley's book about over-eating has helped me see that actually this is just a habit of association - "I'm here on my own so hurray I can be really naughty". Who is this cheating?? Me, not my partner. It's a childish feeling but a very powerful one.
    So my current strategy is to ensure that I'm simply not in this situation by going upstairs earlier. It doesn't have to mean going to bed earlier but just giving myself a different treat of reading in the bath, or watching a DVD on my laptop in bed (no association with eating whereas in front of the TV I expect to eat). So far this has been a really helpful strategy. I have to just ensure that I get out of the danger zone i.e. downstairs before the addictions take over.
  • Sly77
    Sly77 Posts: 21
    You are so right, that is exactly the trap I fall into...the cheating myself one!

    Just cos nobody is around I feel I can get away with stuffing my face as they are not there to judge me or be disgusted at my greedy behaviour. Like you say, I am only fooling myself. Thank you for your insight you are so right on so many levels, I need to occupy my mind with other things and other indulgences.

    To be fair, I have never been the type to get up or stay up late to raid the fridges etc...My issue is one of food portion sizes and greed in the sense that my eyes eat more than my stomach can handle :-(
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Honestly when I cut out processed foods and soda, my sweet tooth decreased to a manageable level. I can now safely buy lindts chocolate, eat 4 squares, put the rest away and be completely satisfied.

    DITTO! I used to crave sweets a LOT. I still enjoy them, but when before a huge bowl of ice cream or a candy bar was all that would do ... I can now easily make that sweet tooth subside with 8-10 chocolate covered raisins (80 calories) or a Mini York Peppermint Patty that I nibble on like a hamster (50 calories).

    I know myself well enough to know that if I try to ignore the sweet tooth, I will just obsess over it and in the end, I will eat more of something else, usually higher in calories and/or fat and still not be satisfied (or end up going overboard on sweets and then being sick to my stomach), so finding little treats that I can enjoy, especially if I've gone to the gym (5-6 days a week, so that is usually the case) is the best thing for my personality :)
  • katiewcurlz
    I definitely agree with Bflowers2! I find that if I have a LOT of fruit in the morning, some yogurt at lunch (or a sugar free pudding cup), and reward myself at night or in the afternoon with 1 small dove chocolate square, my sweet tooth is curbed. Staying away from the sugar is NOT easy. Give it to yourself in small doses, and in healthy foods, instead of reaching for the bad stuff.
  • okotoks_mama
    I have the SAME problem!! But i found a low calorie healthy snack that i reserve for moments like these.

    I pour a Yoplait Fat Free Yogurt into a small bowl; top it with Fat free Cool Whip (3 Tbsp) and then a table spoon of toasted sliced almonds. Sometimes too, i even add a tsp of dried cranberries.

    It is super yummy and is only 100 calories.