Your most embarrasing (sp?) moment

JujiBean Posts: 187
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
So, I have a question: what was your most embarrasing moment?

Mine happened as a teenager. I was employed in my first job: camp counselor to a bunch of underprivileged kids. On a camp outing at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, I had the job of checking up on all the little girls who had gone into the ladies locker room to get dressed after a swim session.
I approached the locker room, entered....but coming in from the blinding sun, all was in darkness to me. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that I had entered the men's locker room and I was surrounded by a bunch of airmen, mostly naked, with big smiles on their faces. They thought this was very funny. I, being 16, was mortified. I ran!


  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    My old landlord let herself in the house and caught me naked on the sofa having some 'me' time. I had music blaring and didn't realise until I opened my eyes and saw her standing there looking at me.
    I could never look her in the eye again, and she always knocked after that.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
  • When I was in high school, I was in a show choir. During a performance, I tripped over the riser and fell on my face! and the director was recording the performance and when we watched the video at our cast party, everyone laughed at me! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I was in jr high school track and I ran long distance. So usually for practice, we ran through the town, instead of on the track. Well one particular day it was my TOM and the rain was also downpouring really really hard. I had not yet discovered how convienient tampons were at the time so lets just say the "Item" I was wearing got "washed out" and washed out all over the back of my shorts. So here I am running around town and had the back of my shorts bright red. I then ran around the track to cool down at the end and went into the locker room and turned around in the mirror and was horrified. NOT ONE PERSON said anything to me.

  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I was about 9 and was at Church camp when TOM showed up (always unannounced and NEVER on a schedule since I was 8).. I didnt bring stuff and was WAY to embarassed to ask because none of the other girls had hit that point yet. So I just rolled up some TP and papertowel and created a "Super Soaker Barrier" I believe I referred to it.

    We were having a pillow fight and it fell out into the floor.. I was mortified and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom crying while counselors brought me the supplies I needed as well as the remainder of the week unable to look at anyone in the eyes.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I was about 9 and was at Church camp when TOM showed up (always unannounced and NEVER on a schedule since I was 8).. I didnt bring stuff and was WAY to embarassed to ask because none of the other girls had hit that point yet. So I just rolled up some TP and papertowel and created a "Super Soaker Barrier" I believe I referred to it.

    We were having a pillow fight and it fell out into the floor.. I was mortified and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom crying while counselors brought me the supplies I needed as well as the remainder of the week unable to look at anyone in the eyes.

    :O That's horrible!!!
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    In 2006 me and my husband were dating and I was living with my mom and step dad. One night everyone was sleeping and we ended up in the kitchen fooling around. Well my step dad walked in and seen me doing something to my hubby no one should see...LOL. I ended up moving out a week later.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    It was an embarrasing moment that made me feel good too....

    We were renting an apartment on the 2nd floor of a house while some work was being done on our home, the hubby, 4 kids (2 teenagers), and I.

    One day there was a note left on our door from the first floor neighbors addressed to "The Parents of the Teenage Boys who Live Above Us."

    I opened it thinking **** what did those kids do now! It said, "Please tell your boys that their bedroom is right above ours and that we can't get any sleep because of all the banging, loud noises, yelling they are doing during sex. This happens all hours of the night and sometimes for hours at a time. Please tell them to be considerate of the people living below them."

    My first thought was do they really think we are letting the kids have sex while we are in the same house, then I realized my bedroom was above thiers!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I obtained a fairly competitive internship, so I was looking to impress and do well with a group of talented and successful individuals. Sometime during the first month I thought it wise to stay out all night with a girl I just met and do whatever it is we do when we are young and hormones are doing their thing.
    I went into work on 1.5 hours of sleep. This gave me the idea that coffee would fix my day. I was not a coffee drinker, but all the important professional people were, so what better time to indoctrinate myself? Coffee spilled all down the front of my light colored suit with a big stain settled over my crotch. Yeah, it looked like I peed myself. I removed my jacket for the day and attempted to cover with an untucked shirt. Which of course also looked ridiculous in an office of well kept individuals. I was embarrassed the entire time and being an intern, I could not just plant myself behind a desk for the day, I was constantly being asked to do all sorts of menial tasks.

    About 2 hours into the day I told my manager that I had to bail, that I learned a lesson he had not intended on teaching about behavior on a work night. Of course he thought it was hilarious, but I was still mortified.
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    When I was young, we were pretty much poor. In first grade, my class was all sitting cross legged listening to a story. The teacher was handing out cheetos to anyone who got a question right. I got the first question right, but I didn't want to eat the cheeto bc no one else was and I didn't want to crunch. So, I just held it in my lap. The boy next to me kept staring at it. Then the teacher broke into this speech about being respectful of people who don't have as much money/stuff as you and not judging others. I realized then, that there was a hole in the crotch of my hand-me-down sweatpants. Completely mortifying! 20+ years later, and I still feel so embarrassed.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    After flying home for Christmas one year I had made it back and was waiting in the airport baggage claim. Pretty soon I noticed that somebodies bag had opened up and their clothes were coming down the conveyor belt piece by piece...then I spotted my shoes and *light-bulb* realized it was MY bag that had opened up. So here I am with my underwear going round and round on the carousel trying to politely duck in between all the other passengers who just pretended like they couldn't see what was happening. It was the holidays and super busy, the only person who gave me a hand was some 16 year old kid.

    Thank God this was before granny-panties entered my wardrobe.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    In college, I was in colorguard. We were doing a performance in front of Cinderella's castle at Disney World. We had to walk up the steps to the stage single file, and I tried to position myself so I wouldn't land in the front row. But dangit, I landed in the front row. It was very windy. Our coach told us to fake our tosses if we needed to and that was working. Then the wind stopped, so I risked a toss. Just when I let go, a big gust of wind came through, blowing my flag away from me. Luckily, it didn't fall off stage, but it landed far away from me. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't remember where in the steps we were and had to look to my neighbor to figure out where we were. I hated it! I never once dropped a flag during halftime, when I'm a million yards away from anyone in the stands. But when I'm super close to the crowd, yep, that's when I drop my flag.

    I told my BFF who was a majorette who gave me some words of wisdom..."you're still alive, aren't you?" It was embarrassing, but I survived. I just wish I could go back and fake my toss.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My old landlord let herself in the house and caught me naked on the sofa having some 'me' time. I had music blaring and didn't realise until I opened my eyes and saw her standing there looking at me.
    I could never look her in the eye again, and she always knocked after that.

    Oh my. I think I would have moved!

    During my freshman year of college, my roommate was sleeping with a mutual friend. Even though I wasn't quite as frisky as she was (I had my fun, but I was not sleeping with anyone), we had a signal that indicated if we were in the room with someone and did not wish to be disturbed. One night I came back from a party, and there was no indicator on the door that would have tipped me off to anything. I walked in to find her having sex with the guy - thankfully they were in a position that prevented me from seeing too much. I froze there for a second, and she didn't even try to cover up! She was very matter-of-fact in apologizing and asking me to please come back in a little bit... I disappeared for a couple of hours and came back to find her alone and asleep. I wasn't so much embarrassed by seeing her in a compromising position, since we were good friends and talked a lot of girl talk, but given that I was friends with the guy, it was pretty uncomfortable being around him afterwards. I mean, how many of your friends have you witnessed having sex? He ended up transferring after freshman year, so the awkwardness was short-lived.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    First day of college, a bunch of the girls in my dorm decided to basically storm onto campus. We had it all built up - our hottest outfits, perfect hair, some major swag - we were going to get noticed. haha
    We made it across the parking lot and were almost to the main campus building - just had to cross a busy street. A couple car fulls of super cute guys stopped so we could cross. Everyone goes and I step off the curb and fall flat on my face. Jumped up quickly to see everyone dying laughing. I scurry across the crosswalk with my head down and trip UP the curb on the other side. I wanted to withdraw right then and there!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    I was a kid, 8 or 9, and there was a store having a grand opening. I went there with my mom, aunt and cousins. They were giving all of the kids balloons as we walked into the store. Well me and my cousins decided to inhale the helium so we could sound like donald duck. Well apparently if you inhale too much you can pass out. I inhaled some helium and then I blacked out and woke up on my back in the middle of the isle. Apparently I started running around and knocked over a couple racks of clothes and then fell to the floor and started shaking. Very embarrassing cuz when I woke up there was about 80 people standing around me wondering what was going on. I don't remember any of it.
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    My old landlord let herself in the house and caught me naked on the sofa having some 'me' time. I had music blaring and didn't realise until I opened my eyes and saw her standing there looking at me.
    I could never look her in the eye again, and she always knocked after that.

    WOW that would be embarrassing
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    One of my first jobs started out with a few days of training. At some point the instructor talked about how we'd have pizza for at the conclusion of our training. On the last day, we were taking a "final exam" and when we finished we were allowed to turn the test in and begin our breaks early. I finished, and I decided to just wander into the break room, where I saw a couple pizzas sitting. No one else was in there, and they were fresh pizzas, so I was like, "Oooh! Awesome!" and I grab a piece and start eating.

    After sitting there for maybe a minute, the break began for the shift of people working, so the break room began to fill up. Someone who wasn't in my training class came and sat down, and grabbed a piece of pizza. I looked at him kind of funny because I was thinking "hey bud, this is for the trainees!"

    Well, he looked back at me really funny - in fact, he looked PISSED. I was perplexed. He said, "what are you doing?" in a tone indicating total disbelief at what he was seeing. I said, "I just finished training and they got us these pizzas..." and he said, "Uhh... me and my friends bought these pizzas."

    Immediately, my eyes were like saucers filling with water. My face has probably never been more red. I tried to hold it together and said, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I can give you some money." The guy said, "No, it's fine," and shook his head and muttered to himself across the table from me as his other friends began quietly gathering around the pizzas. I was paralyzed and slumped so far down in that seat I felt like a speck - I took a few more bites trying to keep the massive puddles of tears in my eyes then got up when I knew that downpour was imminent, haha.

    A lot of "embarrassing" stuff has happened to me and not even phased me... but that? Even now it takes the wind outta me!
  • abbz17
    abbz17 Posts: 39
    When I was about 12 or 13, I was staying overnight with a family friend who is older, but happens to be metally challenged. My parents have kind of taken her under their wing. At that time in my life, I was just at the point where I was becoming more mature, but still enjoyed staying over with her. I had been packing to leave all day and just before we were about to leave a guy who I had a crush on at the time came over to give my dad a gift. Well, we stayed around a little while, then left and started walking to her house. All of a sudden I remembered that somehow, in the process of packing, I had forgotten to grab panties. I told her that we needed to turn around and go back so I could get some, but not to announce it when we got there. Well of course, being the mental age she is, she thinks that kind of stuff is funny. So we get back to the house and walk through the door and she goes, with the guy still there of course "ABBI FORGOT HER UNDERWEAR!" It seems so small and silly now, but at the time it was horrifying! I got my panties and ran out the door lol
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