Why do people eat their exercise calories?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am too hungry to run effectively if I don't eat some of them back.

    Out of interest I wore my HRM doing housework today, and burned 111 cals doing 56 mins. I haven't logged it!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You will never see me flying the flag of eat your exercise calories because most of the time I dont and its been working out just fine for me.Other people eat them and its been working out just great for them.No matter what side of it you are on is no reason to attack the ones that dont agree with you.OP you post was rude and uncalled for
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    My friends who diligently try to gently persuade the masses to the right way to lose weight healthily...I have come to the conclusion that you are either firmly on one side of this equation or the other and no common sense talk will make certain people eat those hard earned calories back. If we stop preaching to the masses of "unbelievers", maybe they will go into the inevitable plateau, get frustrated, and either come around or just stop logging and blame their lack of weight loss on "muscle gain". This debate wastes a lot of time...I applaude the efforts of those that try to explain why it is important to eat back your exercise calories, but too many people just can't get there heads around losing weight by actually eating...

    Weight loss is not torture! Eat those calories back! I have lost 56 pounds in 7 months and have gained muscle mass following the eat your calories philosophy. IT WORKS! AND YOU GET TO EAT! Eating and losing weight are not mutually exclusive!

    I think I will stop posting on these kind of threads...I don't like wasting my time...

    Taso, my friend, you have the patience of Job...
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I nearly always eat back my exercise calories because if I didn't I would feel sick and dizzy. I think it's healthy.

    Some days however, when I really don't feel like exercising, my mum will get home from work with some chocolate that i just CANNOT resist and I will force myself to do a workout to eat it. So yeah, I'm Judas. But it works for me, because restricting myself makes me binge and then begin a downward spiral. I only just joined this site last Thursday and I lost a pound in 4 days :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I enjoy eating. Plain and simple. Gimme a pizza or some garlic bread, or better yet, garlic bread pizza.... and I'm a happy happy girl.

    I'm also a strong, fit, healthy girl. I'm no supermodel, but I wouldn't want to be one. I've been that thin. I've been overweight. I've been average. This is the first time I've been STRONG, and it's because I'm fueling my body for what I want it to accomplish. You don't need much gas in your car if all you want to do is roll downhill, but if you're planning on getting somewhere, you need a full tank.

    I'm a 39 year old woman who couldn't run one minute straight six months ago, and I spent the weekend running through the woods, climbing a 15 foot wall with a rope, and over and under a bunch of other crazy obstacles, keeping up with my 25 year old athletic niece and her 26 year old athletic husband. I'd say I'm doing something right.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    What are exercise calories?
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