Moms and weight loss after baby

TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm new to MFP and would like to just take a few minutes to introduce myself. I am a new mom and am using the site to help me to track my food intake and exercise outputs. I am rather lucky I only gained about 30 lbs. during the pregnancy and have only about 10 more to go! Unfortunately, these tend to be the hardest to lose so I know I'm in for a possible long haul. Lately I have only been able to lose about a pound a week and that includes working out 4 to 5 hours/week and usually coming in low on daily calories.Not only am I a new mom at 38, but I also work part-time and attend college part-time right now. I will receive my associate's next year and begin my Bachelor's soon thereafter. So.... if anyone can relate to my story don't hesitate to reply. I love hearing about other's stories and triumphs.


  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Hi, I've got a lot more to lose but I'm a first time mum too. My son just turned 2. I look after him in the day and work in the evenings once he's asleep. I'm also at uni part time too, just finished my exams for the year. It's a lot to juggle isn't it?! :)
  • TinaA72
    TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! Katberz,

    Thank you for responding to my post so quickly. It's nice to hear from other "mums" who are going through the exact same things as I am. Congrats on you current weight loss! Although you've got a ways to go, it seems to me you are well on your way towards success. I (on the other hand) have yet to lose anything in the past couple weeks deapite keeping my calories and activity in check. But I never give up on a challenge so I'll keep trudging along until I fit comfortably into my jeans.

    Keep up the good work,
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi! I'm a new mom also. My baby girl is 7 months old, I am 40 and work essentially full time; I'm fortunate enough to have great managers who let me work a reduced schedule while my baby is young. It's very difficult to find time that I can exercise or have to myself; I try to do things with my baby. I'm usually so tired (she doesn't sleep thru the night yet) and I make excuses not to exercise. Add me as a freind if you like -
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Hi there

    I'm 42 and a mum of 3, youngest is 13mths now. Getting older means losing the weight has become harder!! I've got 4-5lbs left and it seems like it doesn't want to budge, argh!

    I couldn't contemplate exercising whilst my baby wasn't sleeping through as i just didn't have the energy.

    Add me as a friend if you like!:smile:
  • Addy0315
    Addy0315 Posts: 48
    Im a mom of 3 and my youngest is 7 months old. I am finally back to prepregnancy weight but still cant seem to fit into my clothes right and my goal weight I still need to reach. I have been going to the YMCA AT LEAST every other day for an hour to an hour and a half but this week I have been going everyday so far because I am making small monthly goals and am aiming to try to get a good solid pound a week. I would love a buddy to help me out and compare notes with!!
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