Fiber goal seems low

duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
I started looking at my fiber intake a few days ago. What is the deal with the fiber targets on MFP? I see that mine is 16, but I read everywhere I should be eating at least 25. That said, it is really hard for me to get that much fiber and stay under my calorie goals, and I am eating lots of fruits and veggies. I just don't want to have to consume a lot of grains to get there. I got nothin' against grains, they are just calorically dense and so I am trying to reduce my intake. I also don't want to eat weird bars, cereal, powdered stuff etc. I always thought I'd do fine if I just ate plenty of fruits and veggies, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I ate a cup of cooked brocolli and a cup of cooked kale for lunch and still only managed to get 5 grams of fiber for that meal. What am I doing wrong?


  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    MFP's fiber goal is low. From what I've read 25 for women and 35 for men are good goals to hit. I eat grains so I'm really not sure if I would be of much help, but you could try seeds and certain nuts and nut butters. They're high in unsaturated fats and also have fiber in them.

    EDIT: And don't forget about the magical fruit.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    MFP's fiber goal is low. From what I've read 25 for women and 35 for men are good goals to hit. I eat grains so I'm really not sure if I would be of much help, but you could try seeds and certain nuts and nut butters. They're high in unsaturated fats and also have fiber in them.

    EDIT: And don't forget about the magical fruit.
    Rasberries are magical.....8 grams of fiber in a one cup serving. :flowerforyou:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    MFP's fiber goal is low. From what I've read 25 for women and 35 for men are good goals to hit. I eat grains so I'm really not sure if I would be of much help, but you could try seeds and certain nuts and nut butters. They're high in unsaturated fats and also have fiber in them.

    EDIT: And don't forget about the magical fruit.
    Rasberries are magical.....8 grams of fiber in a one cup serving. :flowerforyou:

    lol that one too! :)
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I often hit 50g a day and I have trouble eating enough calories... and all I eat are grains and veg :tongue:
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You can add something like Benefiber, they have tasteless powder and sugar free chewables.
  • Jackie_Snape80
    Strawberries, apples, wheat bread, and oatmeal for fiber are all simple, fast and cheap. That's how I get mine in on a regular basis anyways. The setting seems kinda low to me too; I'm almost always 10+ over it(around 30-40g a a day) Of course, I'm completely veg, so it's easy for me XD
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    MFP has my fiber set at 15 grams but I still aim for 25. 1 cup of oatmeal is only about 150 cals and has about 4 grams of fiber, raspberries are a great choice as well as almonds, beans and quinoa. Not all grains are high in calories, just have to do a bit of searching.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    I guess the target is low because the overall calorie target is low - fiber is a percentage of your total calories. I suppose when my calorie target is raised (for maintainence) I'll be at recommended levels. Meanwhile, sounds like I should just throw in some grains and beans.