Having a hard time losing weight in my arms

Hi! I am really having a hard time to make my arms to lose weight and look toned. I am 5'4" and currently 174 lbs from 194 lbs. I see difference in my whole body except my arms. I've been doing Insanity and P90x shoulders and arms but still see a very small change in my arms. I can feel that my clothes are a bit loose in the arms but like what I said the change is so small and I am really getting frustrated. Anybody who has the same issue like mine? What do you think is going on? Thanks!


  • Dagnytaggert
    Hello! I know you can't "spot train" to help certain areas, but for your arms you can lose fat and reveal the muscle underneath by lifting weights. As women we don't have the testosterone to get "bulky," so don't worry about lifting making your arms bigger. For me, the changes came when I started bench pressing, light weights at first, 3 sets of 5, 3 times a week, with adding weight every week. I also do overhead presses, but any dumbell curls, tricep things, pullups, pushups, dips, or anything will help. The key is to increase your weights every week as much as you can to keep challenging your muscles. Congrats on your 20 lb weight loss!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I didn't see a change in a long time. I thought my arms were always going to be huge and gross. It's only been lately that I've noticed a change and that they are getting smaller. I do 45min to an hour of cardio a day, 5 to 7 times a week, going faster and slower to get my heart rate up at many times as possible. I also do weight training about 5 days a week. I use light weights and do more reps to gain lean muscle. I would say just keep at it, you seem to be doing something right! Good luck
  • DarkMagicianGirl
    Thanks for your response. I do weight lifting and follow the P90x Shoulder and Arms DVD for an hour. I use the 5lb and 10lb dumbells when I follow the program. Do you think I should do it every day because right now I only do them 2-3x a week?

    In the morning I do the Insanity Workout program by Shaun T and at night do the Hip Hop Abs, 6 days a week. With Insanity since it's really intense if my knees hurt then I substitute the P90x. I actually hit a plateau at 178lbs but when I started this workout I begin to lose weight again. Maybe I should do the P90x every night instead of hip hop abs?