Looking for people like me??!! :)

MyBabysMamma Posts: 36
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

I'm new to this site and am really just looking for a way to stay movtivated in my goal to lose weight.. I've nearly 4 stone to lose!! :(
I keep starting dieting and lose a stone but then become complacent and it creeps back up!! If there is anyone out the who like me is a new mother and needs support to get back in shape I'd really appreciate it if they'd get in touch! :)


  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Well, I'm not a new mom, but I do understand getting complacement. I gained nearly 50 pounds one year and didn't have a clue! You are definitely in the right place and the people here will motivate you, but you have to do some of the work, too. Be honest with yourself and allow people to see your food diary. Stick to it and understand that everybody has a "fat day" now and then. Good luck!
  • Today was definately a fat day!! After it all and while still on my sugar buzz I decided to join this site.. If stressed out I opt for sugar sugar sugar!! So hopefully If I keep to this and see for myself in black and white how far off the path I'm travelling I'll be able to curb my cravings............. fingers crossed!! :)
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    Hello I am Amber I am 23 and too am a new mother my daughter is 11weeks 4 days old! How old is your new arrival and what are your weight loss goals and what are you doing to achieve them?
  • holmes124
    holmes124 Posts: 3
    I remember when my now 12 year old was a baby, I ate a lot of sugar because I was so tired all the time. Of course, that set me up for sugar crashes too. I kept the habit of eating lots of sugar and not enough healthy foods, and I ended up weighing more than my pregnancy weight. I did the same thing when my second son was born, and then a few years ago I gained an additional 60 pounds. I was eating my emotions and I was not keeping track of what I ate.

    I think when our children are young it's so hard to take care of ourselves and eat healthy meals and get some exercise. Since having my boys I have had times when I was being more conscious about eating well and exercising, but then I have always gone back to my unhealthy habits. I just joined this site a few days ago, and about four months ago I started doing a Tae Bo tape at home and keeping track of what I eat. I have learned over the years that I need to keep track of what I eat in order to keep eating healthily and in moderation. Also, making sure I eat regularly (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a couple little snacks) is essential for me. When my boys were babies I know I just grabbed what food I could when I could. Now, keeping track of what I eat helps me eat healthy portions, and I've just started going to the gym with my 12 year old son. I am trying to look at what I am doing not as dieting but as what I need to do for the rest of my life in order to be healthy.

    I think this site is a great place to get the support you need. Walking with your baby either in a sling or a stroller can be a great way to get some exercise. Also maybe putting together a list for yourself of healthy, easy foods and meals that you like can help you stay on track. I wish you success!
  • Thanks so much Holmes.

    Thats just like me.. I have gained two stone since having him. I've his rountine down to the minute and forget about me I guess. I keep thinking if I organise my meals for the same time as his all will work out. But then I have a biscuit or a can of red bull and forget about being hungry or tired. I tried today but it's so hard to get used to eating "meals".. I'm a snacker!!! :)
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    what do y'all mean by sstones?
  • I'm from Ireland and we use stones as a form of measurement: 1st = 14lb or 6.3kg
    So since having my boy in Oct 2010 I've gained 24lb..... That sounds sooooooo much worse!! :)
  • Hi Amber.
    I didn't see your post.. But I want to lose 56lb. I'm taking it easy this week and possibly next week. I have a massive sweet tooth and am addicted to caffine drinks like coke and redbull so I've cut them out all together and every time I do this I have headaches and feel faint........ Its like a sugar withdrawal. :) But because I'm doing that this week I'm not really focusing on my diet yet.. I need some energy for the baby. :) I have a ps3 move which is like the Wii and use that for excercise at the moment.. It's also just fun. Whats your plan??
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