embarrassed about weight loss.

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
I already posted a little about this on my profile, but does anyone else feel this way???

I am seriously embarrassed about my weight loss for some reason.

I find myself wanting to wear baggy clothes to hide it... and I get really uncomfortable when people make comments. I am proud of myself and everything - but, for some reason it really bothers me when people ask me if I've lost weight or talk about my body and weight.

I've been getting a lot of it lately because over my break, I went "home" and visited people I haven't seen in a while and then today I had to work at a hospital that I haven't been to since November, so obviously they noticed my weight loss.

I'm not the type of person that really cares about people think - but it's really bothering me?!

I DON'T want people looking at me! Haha, am I the only one ???


  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Me toooo!!! I'm so very embarrassed. I hate it when people congratulate me in person... It's so embarrassing to have had all this weight to lose in the FIRST PLACE! Ugh.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Yes, you are the only one...and spunkymonkey up there...I want everyone to look and everyone to notice. :) LOL Sadly no one does.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Being self conscious about your weight after you have had excess is totally normal, sorry but you are completely normal (ha ha). As you come to terms with the "new you" and shed some of your old ideas about your body image this will lessen. Guess you just need to feel comfortable in your skin first!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    It takes time to be able to accept compliments. We're our biggest critics. Just work on being comfortable with other people noticing it, and if you get a compliment, just say "thank you" and move on with your day.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    for me it's embarrassing b/c it reminds me of the fact that i used to be fat and that that person realized that i used to be fat haha
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I am somewhat embarrassed about it as well. I guess because after weight loss it really shows how "big" you were before. But mostly I think, "Damn I look good!!" and mostly want to flaunt it. lol
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    lol @ keys. I love when people notice, but I hate telling how much I have lost! I think THAT is the embarrassing part, although, isn't that what we should be so proud of, the amount of hard work we have done? crazy huh?
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    your young its normal to feel that way but as you age its more in embarrassing to have people tell you how fat you have gotten
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I have gained and lost before, but I think that when I lost weight, i just didn't like attention that I wasn't used to. It's kind of like when you are pregnant and big enough for people to notice. You get more attention and people want to touch your belly and dote over you. That was the worst. I don't know if I am just socially awkward, but I have always been embarrassed of too much attention.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    wow, totally opposite of what I was thinking!

    For me, it's not really the fact that "oh this shows that i used to be heavier before..." I never even really thought about that.
    It's the people that think I have an eating disorder and/or talking behind my back and being "concerned" about it. and then making comments that I am too skinny and that makes me feel bad. I can never win I guess :)

    But, yeah, I guess just getting used to my new body. Even though I feel "normal" now and very comfortable with myself so idk..

    I guess I just don't like the attention haha :)
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    lol idk why but i'm not embaressed to tell people i've lost weight. I'm embaressed to tell people that i'm trying to loose weight though because I feel like people are constantly judging what I eat then, Idk =]
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sounds like maybe you're embarrassed about the weight, not about having lost it. Just enjoy it. :) People are happy for you. Join the celebration!

    EDITED: I just saw your note about people thinking you have an ED. They own that. Forget about it. You know you're doing it right. :)

    I like that people notice. I even like when they ask me how much I've lost. What I DON'T like is when they ask how much more I have to go. Then they can do the simple math and realize that I was 100 lbs. overweight as recently as January. Once I have LOST all 100 lbs., I won't care! But I'm still fat so I'm vulnerable.

    It's okay to be vulnerable. Just don't forget to be proud. :flowerforyou:
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    your young its normal to feel that way but as you age its more in embarrassing to have people tell you how fat you have gotten

    loved this perspective.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Sounds like maybe you're embarrassed about the weight, not about having lost it. Just enjoy it. :) People are happy for you. Join the celebration!

    I like that people notice. I even like when they ask me how much I've lost. What I DON'T like is when they ask how much more I have to go. Then they can do the simple math and realize that I was 100 lbs. overweight as recently as January. Once I have LOST all 100 lbs., I won't care! But I'm still fat so I'm vulnerable.

    It's okay to be vulnerable. Just don't forget to be proud. :flowerforyou:

  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    wow, totally opposite of what I was thinking!

    For me, it's not really the fact that "oh this shows that i used to be heavier before..." I never even really thought about that.
    It's the people that think I have an eating disorder and/or talking behind my back and being "concerned" about it. and then making comments that I am too skinny and that makes me feel bad. I can never win I guess :)

    But, yeah, I guess just getting used to my new body. Even though I feel "normal" now and very comfortable with myself so idk..

    I guess I just don't like the attention haha :)

    I guess we're totally different in that aspect then. I would love for people to comment on me being "too skinny"! I've always dreamt about being the skinny friend or being known for being skinny.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    lmao.i just saw what you re posted on this, and I do feel that way sometimes. It's embaressing because no one really thinks i need to lose weight anymore or that I ever needed to, and it was probably the same way for you (or it is now). It's ackward when people tell me i don't need to lose weight because i don't know what to say to that. I am not going annerexic extremeo either, so idk what's wrong with some people.
    I think people who say you don't need to lose any weight are just being honest
    and the people who say you are annorexic are honestly just jealous or something
    even when my own mother lost weight, i said i thought she was going annerexic (even though she wasn't)
    part of it might have been because I was insecure that she was only eating 1400 calories a day-- where as, i was eating around double that, and at the same time, i was not happy with my body.
    Most people are going to be insecure about their weight deep down, so if people say you having an eating disorder, don't think anything of it because you know you don't.
    and also. i remember when I was a kid. my friends and I would always comment on how skinny some of our friends were. We used to constantly tell them to eat and they were so tiny and stuff, but it was just a joke. I never really thought about how akward it made them feel until now.
    but yea =]
    you should embrass it. its a wonderful thing to happen to someone. i love when ppl notice my weight loss. it makes me feel soo good && keeps me going.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I used to be very thin, and I felt self-conscious about other girls. They would say, "Oh, I hate you, you're so skinny!" and then I'd feel bad for accidentally making them feel bad, because clearly they were feeling like they weren't thin enough. Now that I'm losing weight, I find myself back in that headspace, worrying that maybe my weight loss is going to make my friends feel bad about themselves, since many of them are slightly to very overweight, and body image is a common topic. I worry that if I drop weight faster than some of my friends, if that will make them feel discouraged... things like that. It might be dumb, but having girls tell you how much they hate you for being thin (even if they're joking) is really uncomfortable, and I don't want to have that in my adult friendships. I don't want women to feel worse about their bodies than they already do, definitely not my friends that I love and cherish. I want them to be comfortable and confident at whatever size they are, and be happy for me at the size I am... but it's often hard for people to get over the insecurities.

    I'm not letting it stop me, of course and I'm very confident that the weight is coming off and that I'm headed in the right direction - but going back to being "the skinny chick" might be hard in some respects. Maybe uncomfortable enough to want to cover up and deflect the attention.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    lmao.i just saw what you re posted on this, and I do feel that way sometimes. It's embaressing because no one really thinks i need to lose weight anymore or that I ever needed to, and it was probably the same way for you (or it is now). It's ackward when people tell me i don't need to lose weight because i don't know what to say to that. I am not going annerexic extremeo either, so idk what's wrong with some people.
    I think people who say you don't need to lose any weight are just being honest
    and the people who say you are annorexic are honestly just jealous or something
    even when my own mother lost weight, i said i thought she was going annerexic (even though she wasn't)
    part of it might have been because I was insecure that she was only eating 1400 calories a day-- where as, i was eating around double that, and at the same time, i was not happy with my body.
    Most people are going to be insecure about their weight deep down, so if people say you having an eating disorder, don't think anything of it because you know you don't.
    and also. i remember when I was a kid. my friends and I would always comment on how skinny some of our friends were. We used to constantly tell them to eat and they were so tiny and stuff, but it was just a joke. I never really thought about how akward it made them feel until now.
    but yea =]

    yes, great post! I agree. I used to struggle with an ED, which I think is why people are making these comments to me personally because they think I'm going down that road. next time i'll be like "YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU MY FOOD DIARY!?!?!?" hahaha
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    I think being uncomfortable about people commenting on weight loss is perfectly reasonable. Honestly, I feel that my body is nobody's business but my own, but the number of people who make unsolicited comments about other people's bodies is just ridiculous. It's even worse when it comes to pregnancy - I've heard any number of complaints about unsolicited advice and touching.

    A few years ago I lost a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time for no apparent reason. I felt horrible, weak, constantly sick, and incredibly worried. Through all this, people who hadn't seen me in a month or so kept complimenting me on my weight loss. It was incredibly invasive and alienating - I was desperately trying not to lose any more!! Eventually, I got so sick of it that whenever someone complimented me I'd tell them 'actually, I'm trying to gain ten pounds'. It put a stop to things pretty quickly.

    I don't have that problem now, but I'll always remember that what happens to a person's body on the outside is not always a reliable indicator what happens on the inside. And, incidentally, is not my business until the person in question invites commentary.

    In short, I can empathize.