nutritionally balanced

Armik Posts: 6 Member
Okay, I do pretty well at keeping my calorie count under control, but as far as nutrition goes, I'm consistently (daily) going over in protein and fiber. Also, I'm consistently under in carbs and fat. Is this bad? I do understand that carbs and fats are nutritional necessities. Should I try to be more balanced with how MFP calculates my nutritional needs? Can I eat too much protein and fiber?


  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I try and go over on my protein and fiber on a daily basis!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Options Definitely not bad at all!

    Going over on protein is great for this website because the standard they start you off with is low anyway. Fiber is excellent for you, and I aim to go over in it everyday, lol.

    As long as you are not so low on fats that it's below 15-20% of your total calorie intake, you should be fine. It is recommended to consume at least that much healthy fats daily because of how important it is for cellular activity.

    You will never hit the daily goals on the spot each day. Just remember to stay in a range close to what your body needs, and you'll be fine. I like to eat 40% protein, but I give myself leeway of 35%-45% because it is really hard to get that 40% mark each day.
  • kellykat2
    kellykat2 Posts: 87 Member
    Try to add more protein and fiber to you diet. Choose lower calorie protein items. You can add protein by adding dairy products (a low fat cheese stick or cottage cheese - good for calcium too) or a handful of nuts (almonds, peanuts, etc, also add fiber too). Raw veggies add fiber and are packed with nutrients your body needs and are super low cal. Fruits are good for fiber too! Summer is the best time to add more fruits and veggies to your diet.

    As far as carbs and fat being lower than mfp requires, i think that is a good thing. I wouldn't worry about that. As long as you are eating enough to have the energy you need to live your life actively, then you should be OK.

    If in doubt, seek the guidance of a registered dietitian.

    Keep up the GREAT work!
