Sugar (nom)

Ok, I quit drinking coffee because I was drinking almost 130 cal a day in creamer. (Yikes.) Since then, I have started tracking my sugars. oye.

I am drinking one cup of black tea with one tablespoon of raw organic honey in it each day. That puts my sugar over +5 for the day.


Important note: I am struggling to lose ANY weight at this point. I am only down 2.9 lb in three weeks.


  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    2.9 pounds in 3 weeks is GREAT!!! That's right in line with what's healthy... a pound a week. So many (and I do mean a LOT) people here are in such a hurry to lose weight fast, but that's not how you keep it off.

    You can try cutting the sugar out, but I highly doubt a little bit of sugar in your tea is hurting your weight loss at all. There has to be somewhere else it's coming from... OR... You're losing fat and gaining muscle, which will also slow the weight loss process in a very good way! :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    2.9 pounds in thee weeks sounds perfectly on track to me.
    Sorry I don;t have anything to offer about your sugar situation.
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    From looking at your food diary, you should be eating at least some of your exercise calories burned. MFP already builds in the calorie deficit to lose don't need to go overboard on the deficit by exercising so much and not eating more. The +5 on the sugar isn't going to make that big of a difference.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    From looking at your food diary, you should be eating at least some of your exercise calories burned. MFP already builds in the calorie deficit to lose don't need to go overboard on the deficit by exercising so much and not eating more. The +5 on the sugar isn't going to make that big of a difference.

    This and I've noticed that some days you're not even eating 1200 calories. You want your body to use up your fat reserves, not store more because it thinks you are starving.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I second what DJmom44 said... it looks like you are nowhere near eating enough. You're body is going to hold on to what it has because you aren't giving it enough fuel with the amount of exercise that you do.
  • margien88352
    I like you was a sugar - aholic also. I still drink my 1-2 cups of coffee with my powdered creamer in it, but I use sweet and low now. I used to put 1/4 cup of sugar in my coffee, tea, and anything that I could think of because i was so addicted to sugar. I am a nurse and being one I am in tune to what my body is doing more than others. My heart rate was above 100, in the 110-118 area, all the time. I did a study on my heart while I worked in the ICU and found I was having PVC's, or in laymans terms "little flutters" numerous times per day. One once in a while is normal for anyone, but when you're having more than one or two per day, you need to take a look at this. I quit using sugar, and started using sweet and low. I hated it at first, but my tastebuds acclamated and I can now drink coffee and tea without all that sugar. I lost 50 pounds when I quit sugar, if you're having trouble losing weight, it's the sugar. Good luck with your weight loss, please consider quitting the sugar, it revs your heart up so much it can cause major problems. A little once in a while is ok, a lot all the time isnot. God Bless and good luck