Swimming and aerobic workout and weight loss

I have a small above ground pool, 15 ft round that is about 4 feet in depth. I am trying to run in place, jumping jacks, high knee kicks and anything to keep moving in the pool. Besides trying to keep a nice heartrate, will exersize like this really help with weight loss or is it more for the heart work out? I try to move my muscles as hard as I can while in the water. Like doing a squat and jump type move, carrying around my son (30 lbs) above water since he doesnt want to get too wet most of the time, will that help in the long run? I cannot do too much high impact stuff (Zumba at times is too much for my knees) but I know I am slowly strengthening them in time.

Can this type of movement in a shallow pool help with weight loss or is it just heart conditioning?

Thanks! :)


  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I saw a video the other day of a lady who was over 450 lbs. It was hard for her to exercise with all that weight, and she just started by walking back and forth in a pool. She lost enough weight to start exercising!! I'm not sure how long it took her though. I'm sure any kind of movement in the pool will be good for you :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Anything that gets your heart rate up will help you with weight loss. So short answer, yes, these exercises in the pool will help. The water adds a level of resistance that may even get your heart pounding faster than if you were just doing these exercises outside of water. That's not a guarantee, though. It's all about how hard you work and for how long.

    Get your heart rate up and keep it there and you will see results.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Absolutely swimming and moving around in the water provides resistance and water aerobics burns tons of calories. Swimming is how I lost my 40lbs! Keep it up and if you are pushing yourself as hard as you say you are then you will see a difference.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Any movement is good and will definitely help! Hard to know exactly what your burning unless you use an HRM, but any moving around is better than doing nothing. Try checking out the database for 'Water aerobics' to get a rough estimate of what you are burning.
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    Swimming and water aerobics plus portion control is how I have lost 65 lbs. Even walking in the water will help. The resistance of the water makes the work harder. If you have knee issues this is an excellent way to start.
  • YellowStrawberry
    YellowStrawberry Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone! I do not go as hard as I can only because I am the supervision to a 4 year old. I try to get him to let me bounce around carrying him so I dont have to have my eyes on him... lol At least he thinks that is fun. I am able to do other activites, but when it starts to get hotter, I may not be on the elliptical as long or able to go walking outside for as long.

    I had also seen that article of the woman! It was amazing!!

    Like example today, I did some Jillian 10 min thing on OnDemand that got me super tired and could only work it hard on the elliptical for 15. So, into the pool I went to cool off and to keep the heartrate going!! :)