Having a hard time staying on track.

Like, seriously. I'm an eating machine. I think I've gone over every day and I'm not doing the exercise that I should be. :sad: I'm so bummed because I think that it's starting to catch up to me. I want to get back on the wagon! Motivate me, y'all!

(Pss . . . sorry for not sending in my weigh-in yet. I'm utterly afraid of the scale right now. :embarassed: )


  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Like, seriously. I'm an eating machine. I think I've gone over every day and I'm not doing the exercise that I should be. :sad: I'm so bummed because I think that it's starting to catch up to me. I want to get back on the wagon! Motivate me, y'all!

    (Pss . . . sorry for not sending in my weigh-in yet. I'm utterly afraid of the scale right now. :embarassed: )
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    <insert swift kick in the rear> Come on, girl! You can get back on track! I almost fell off today but reigned myself back in by putting the food down and doing some cardio & biking! Read my quote again...it's so true!:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Like, seriously. I'm an eating machine. I think I've gone over every day and I'm not doing the exercise that I should be. :sad: I'm so bummed because I think that it's starting to catch up to me. I want to get back on the wagon! Motivate me, y'all!

    (Pss . . . sorry for not sending in my weigh-in yet. I'm utterly afraid of the scale right now. :embarassed: )

    [[ faythe]] Big hugs girl....we've all been there, and you KNOW you can get out of the cycle...one minute at a time, one hour at time, then make it to one day binge free, then comes two days...then 3 and with each moment you become stronger and stronger and have no desire like you do now (the uncontrollable type I mean) to eat the no healthier foods.

    COME on back...we need YOU for inspiration... you have come so far g/f!!

    So there you've got a kick in the bum from Losing_it and hugs and a push from me....I'm sure you'll get lots more from other members that care soon as they see this thread.

    Baby steps, baby steps....you CAN DO IT....you know you can because you've done it in the past.

    Perhaps start very small.....drink drink drink water water water and get in all your daily water and more. So if you overate something you preferred not to....go for a short walk, do some situps....anything to get back into the frame of mind of healthy thinking!!

    Truly it works....not saying it's gonna be easy....but adding in even some fruit, some veggies yes, even if you just had a big mac, do the veggies, water, salad etc......

    Not advocating big macs but I know when you get in that vicious cycle somefolks come back cold turkey which is the only way that works for me. BUT for some, adding in some healthy bits to eat day brings them back stronger than before!!

    What is the most important thing to you ???? ok, so maybe not the question of the moment. lol

    But you know what I'm asking....and you know what the real response would be...health and regained self esteem!

    What would you say to one of us if we had written your post?? thinkin on that might help you...

    nothing but the very best to you faythe...we're here for you.

    You made it to step one.....beginning a thread on your struggle instead of hiding out....do you know HOW HUGE of step that IS?!!!:heart::drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • catherheath
    catherheath Posts: 16 Member
    I don't mean to be offensive, please take this as constructive criticism from someone who understands what it's like. But, I have a problem when someone says "motivate me". This comes across to me as if you really haven't come to understand that this is a change in lifestyle for your general well being. You should ask for help and advice in how to get past your hurdle or how to stay motivated. But when you say it like you are expecting others to provide the motivation, it just comes across as woe is me and I've come to realization that it is exactly that attitude that prevents most of us from getting anywhere.

    I've lost 55 pounds, and I've struggled, but I've made a change in my life that I love and has become a part of me. I can only say that the motivation has to come from within, from really wanting it and desiring to be the best version of yourself that you can be. This is not to say that there will be hard times, but your attitude towards those tough times is crucial. So try starting by changing your attitude, and start thinking of this as something you really want for a lot of good reasons, and really believe that you can do it and only focus on postive thoughts. You know you can do it.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Okay, no more excusses. You know what you need to do, so do it. Being thin/healthy is more than wanting it you have to do something to be it.

    Next time you get ready to eat something fatty and high in calories I want you to look at it and say "does the good taste of this out weigh my desire to be thinner?" Or "Does this taste better than Skinny feels" or "will the good taste of this out weigh the guilt of eating it" Hey if the answer is yes, then by all means eat it, but if it's no, put the food down. No better yet just throw it in the trash then you won't be tempted to eat it later.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :heart: faythe needs some m-o-t-v-a-t-i-o-n!!

    bumpin for ya faythe:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I don't mean to be offensive, please take this as constructive criticism from someone who understands what it's like. But, I have a problem when someone says "motivate me". This comes across to me as if you really haven't come to understand that this is a change in lifestyle for your general well being. You should ask for help and advice in how to get past your hurdle or how to stay motivated. But when you say it like you are expecting others to provide the motivation, it just comes across as woe is me and I've come to realization that it is exactly that attitude that prevents most of us from getting anywhere.

    I've lost 55 pounds, and I've struggled, but I've made a change in my life that I love and has become a part of me. I can only say that the motivation has to come from within, from really wanting it and desiring to be the best version of yourself that you can be. This is not to say that there will be hard times, but your attitude towards those tough times is crucial. So try starting by changing your attitude, and start thinking of this as something you really want for a lot of good reasons, and really believe that you can do it and only focus on postive thoughts. You know you can do it.
    wow awhole different outlook...I like it!! So keep reading this thread faythe so many great idea...

    I do believe changing our attitude is the first step...thanks for the reminder.... in your post!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • lauraj828
    you can do this! EVERYONE slips up from time to time. none of us are perfect and none of us stick to our diets 100% of the time. all that you can do is start fresh everyday. everyday you have another opportunity to do something good for your body. this might sound cheesy, but i'd recommend hanging a little sign somewhere on your bedroom wall, or on your bathroom mirror, that you'll see first thing in the morning. write something encouraging on it (like "today i will make healthy decisions") and maybe even a picture that motivates you to head to the gym or eat a nutritious breakfast. don't give up!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Faythe-- you can do this-- be strong.

    Cather-- YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Whoop-- whoop!! Excellent advice.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    seriously-- we've all been there, are there-- fighting the urge to pop something in your mouth is overwhelming sometimes-- but when you resist, OH MY, the glory of it all. Eating out of habit, stress, blah, blah, blah-- been there-- fighting my way out of it has been sooooooooooooooooo liberating. I am in a life where I have control of nothing-- I'm "thisclose" to not being able to pay another mortgage and may lose ANOTHER house, hubby in the mortgage business making no money, no jobs out there-- 9 hungry kids, and working harder than ever in a home typing job-- I have control over nothing--

    BUT-- I can (and did) take control over this nemesis that has been a thorn in my side my entire life-- my weight. It has helped me find something to stay focused and positive when all around me is chaos right now. Today, for example, I woke up feeling like crap, sleep deprived, bloated and ready to bite the head off of anyone that looked at me wrong. I got on the scale for my weekly duty, and found I'd lost a pound. (I'm still fighting to take off my two Shred induced pounds-- arrgh-- and one of 'em is now gone)

    My point? That success helped me to quickly change my focus OUT of "get outa my way world or I'm going to eat you for lunch," to, "Hey, go me-- I lost another pound."

    Find the positive and focus on it-- you can do it if you put your mind to it.

    Have a wonderful weekend one and all!!!!!!!!!!
  • catherheath
    catherheath Posts: 16 Member
    wow thank you, but I'm a woman, LOL!!!!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok. so youve been slapped, and kicked, and yelled at. Youve been hugged, and kissed and conjoled.

    NOW GET BACK TO WORK! :angry:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    wow thank you, but I'm a woman, LOL!!!!!!

    Yes, you are-- one heluva one-- and we heard your roar loud and clear!!

    Bravo!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    I don't mean to be offensive, please take this as constructive criticism from someone who understands what it's like. But, I have a problem when someone says "motivate me". This comes across to me as if you really haven't come to understand that this is a change in lifestyle for your general well being. You should ask for help and advice in how to get past your hurdle or how to stay motivated. But when you say it like you are expecting others to provide the motivation, it just comes across as woe is me and I've come to realization that it is exactly that attitude that prevents most of us from getting anywhere.

    I've lost 55 pounds, and I've struggled, but I've made a change in my life that I love and has become a part of me. I can only say that the motivation has to come from within, from really wanting it and desiring to be the best version of yourself that you can be. This is not to say that there will be hard times, but your attitude towards those tough times is crucial. So try starting by changing your attitude, and start thinking of this as something you really want for a lot of good reasons, and really believe that you can do it and only focus on postive thoughts. You know you can do it.

    Oh, internal motivation is a seriously big part of what I'm all about. But sometimes accountability does wonders for me, which is really what I was looking for here.

    So far, today, I've burned about 700 calories and my house is now sparkling clean. :happy: I didn't exercise the traditional way but it's totally a start and I'm still under my calorie goal, so, WHOOP-WHOOP!

    A huge, HUGE thank you to everyone! I'm definitely feeling loads better. :happy:
  • Canelitas
    700 calories :noway: You Go Girl!

    I'm proud of you...keep your head up head, and give it your best. :drinker:

    Go Purple!!! :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Would you mind spending 700 calories cleaning my house please? I'd settle for 350!!